Some pics of my new maps



Just a few screenies from two of my custom maps. Commits welcome and would be apreciated.

* K, just updated a couple of the pics. Some where way to dark, though it doesn't look like that in game. I guess I need to conisder a better file format so I can retain the size and clearity of the image, but still be under the 100kb cap.


  • cs_eh1.jpg
    90.2 KB · Views: 216
  • dm_football.jpg
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  • de_football02.jpg
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  • dm_football3.jpg
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  • cs_eh2.jpg
    86.2 KB · Views: 181
very interesting geometry.
Looks good, can't see much of the second, but the first just needs a little "cleaning", and the lighting needs some tweaking.

But other than that, it looks good. :thumbs:
Hey thanks for the kind remarks. I agree it's difficult to see much. . .so I added two mroe shots. It truly looks different in game, in which you can see why the lighting is the way it is. I thought it may have been too dark at first, but after playing it a few times it works out nicely. . .and sniping didn't end up being a problem as I first anticipated. The football one actually needs quit a bit of "cleaning" and detailing, however I ran into a problem awhile ago with a ref mem error (not the same as alllllll the ones posted on the forums in both cause and cure, and of course valve does not offer support for custom maps). I may post the specific error at some point here, but for now I'll let it be.
looks impressive very big by the look of it.seems to be lacking detail in some of the rooms. Or are they inaccessible. lighting looks good in the fisrst one.:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Nah, every place in both maps is accessable, including the arch in the second one. It's actually mostly filled with water to allow for smoother accents/decents, but it takes a sec to get comfortable with navagating it (have to flip midway up). You are right about the detail, it is greatly lacking. I'm planning on adding more to the arched map, however due to some runtime issues on the football map, I currently cannot add anything else. This issue/error is currently under scrutiny and will hoepfully be resolved in a month or so. I only hesitate posting the problem here because it has always been associated with anpother specific ram issue, and it coinciding fixes, non of which will or have solved the problem. As it stands, both are playable and have .nav files

I just viewed the first pic on here and boy does it look exrtemely dark! Guess I should try to lighten it up a bit before posting it, since it doesn't look anything like that.
Very nice looking map. I like all the different shapes you used.