Some positive vibes please


Party Escort Bot
Sep 16, 2003
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Stephen Hawking isn't doing too well. According to Cambridge University he's "very ill" in hospital. Hawking had "been unwell for a couple of weeks".

Get better Stephen!

Holy f*ck this is pun city.

Sucks and all, but people get sick and die, shit happens whether you like it or not, he was a pretty old guy, like 60-something. Especially with his "condition", if he dies now he lived a pretty full life.
Holy f*ck this is pun city.

Sucks and all, but people get sick and die, shit happens whether you like it or not, he was a pretty old guy, like 60-something. Especially with his "condition", if he dies now he lived a pretty full life.

He's not dead yet. I agree with you, but since he's still in hospital lets hope for the best.
Read about this yesterday, my heart sank... he better not be about to die, we need as much of his brain time as possible!
But at least, this guy is someone you can actually feel sorry for. He has a slight handicap, but he's still trying to do everything he can for humanity. He was even on the Simpsons.

Save Stephen Hawking, Save the world.
I hope he pulls through, though given his condition that he's lived as long as he has is pretty impressive.

*finger crossed
Dog, being unable to just say "Get well soon!" has to act like a heartless **** and state the reasons why he's not going to simply wish the person a quick recovery, as though doing so will make him a lesser being.

Hope Mr. Hawking gets better!
Holy f*ck this is pun city.

Sucks and all, but people get sick and die, shit happens whether you like it or not, he was a pretty old guy, like 60-something. Especially with his "condition", if he dies now he lived a pretty full life.
**** off.

The guy has made such amazing contributions to physics and the human condition. He deserves our respect and support.

I really hope he pulls through, I'm sure there's so much more he can contribute to theoretical physics and he really deserves to live as long as possible.

I'm praying for you Steve! ;(

lol :D

hope he turns out alright.. he's one of the wonders of the world. enjoyed his books so much, he must be a genius if he could write that shit so even I could understand it.
damn why is everybody jumping all over dog? It wasn't really a mean-spirited thing that he said... It's a shame he could die, he made some great contributions. But I'd be lying if I said I was gonna lose any sleep when he does go.
No, it's not necessarily mean-spirited, but it's really f**king insensitive.
Man, sucks for him.

Hope he gets better.
I haven't even started reading his book yet...
Please don't die yet Hawkings!
Hey, he can't do that. I ain't met him, yet.
Dead tired that is!

Yeah cool guy. Hope he get's better and all.
Some day, over 50 years from now when Hawking does indeed finally die, I wonder how much longer after that until the world has another super genius with a severely debilitating condition such that he has.
Even if you haven't read him, chances are things you've read and learned wouldn't be possible without some of the work he's done. Hoping he pulls through for at least a little while longer.
Hope he pulls through. A great mind trapped in a frail form, sucks allot.
Hope he pulls through. A great mind trapped in a frail form, sucks allot.

I wonder how well he copes with it in his mind. He's such an amazingly smart guy, and as you said trapped in such a frail form without any real ability to express himself fully other than use his device to speak.