some problems with a Mac


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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A friend of mine was gifted an old Macbook Pro, but it turns out that all the accounts are passworded, and the family member that gave it to him doesn't know what the password is (was sitting in storage for a while).

Anybody know what to do?
I think the problem is that it's a mac.

Sorry, I don't have anything useful to contribute to this thread.


Now what?

Google it damn it, is it really that hard, it's what I did. took me 5 seconds, prolly 5 times faster than making a thread about it.

Just boot the the Mac with the disc while holding C, choose reset password from the utility menu, then change the administrative password, NOT the root password... ugh.
Google it damn it, is it really that hard, it's what I did. took me 5 seconds, prolly 5 times faster than making a thread about it.

Just boot the the Mac with the disc while holding C, choose reset password from the utility menu, then change the administrative password, NOT the root password... ugh.

sorry, I searched "password change" on google and the closest thing I got was "lol insert da disk, ya? And den to change da skewl pass, you click the password change".

Now, does this have to be the disk that was supplied with the computer? Does it have to be of the same OS X ver as the computer i'm working on?