Somebody Please...

Deapa Waspo

Jan 25, 2009
Reaction score
I have a quick question. I hope anyway... I made a new HL2MP Mod, compiled just fine, made a map with an info_player_start but when I try to load up the map either from the console or from start server it will load all the resources and whatnot but as soon as it is done it kicks me straight back to the menu. Any ideas? This works fine for a straight up HL2 mod, but not HL2MP. This is bugging the poo out of me. Below is what my console shows after trying to load the map.

maxplayers set to 2
Steam config directory: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\xxxxxxxxx\team fortress 2\platform\config
Couldn't find custom font file 'resource/HL2MP.ttf'
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_nw
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_ne
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_sw
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/round_corner_se
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/solid_background
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/trans_background
--- Missing Vgui material vgui/gfx/vgui/hl2mp_logo
--- Missing Vgui material hud/leaderboard_dead
Hud element 'CAchievementNotificationPanel' doesn't have an entry 'AchievementNotificationPanel' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudHintKeyDisplay' doesn't have an entry 'HudHintKeyDisplay' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudHDRDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudFilmDemo' doesn't have an entry 'HudHDRDemo' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHUDAutoAim' doesn't have an entry 'HUDAutoAim' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Hud element 'CHudCommentary' doesn't have an entry 'HudCommentary' in scripts/HudLayout.res
Unknown command "sv_backspeed"
CModelLoader::Map_IsValid: No such map 'maps/background01.bsp'
map load failed: background01 not found or invalid
maxplayers set to 16
Network: IP, mode MP, dedicated No, ports 27015 SV / 27005 CL
Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_crowbar"
Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_crowbar"
Unknown command "sk_plr_dmg_stunstick"
Unknown command "sk_npc_dmg_stunstick"
Executing listen server config file
Precache of sprites/redglow1 ambigious (no extension specified)
exec: couldn't exec listenserver.cfg
Adding master server
Adding master server

Map: mymap
Players: 1 / 16
Build: 3704
Server Number: 1

VAC secure mode disabled.
No pure server whitelist. sv_pure = 0
DataTable warning: No matching RecvTable for SendTable 'DT_TeamTrainWatcher'.
Client missing DT class CTeamTrainWatcher
Host_EndGame: CL_ParseClassInfo_EndClasses: CreateDecoders failed.

Dropped Deapa Waspo from server (Disconnect by user.)
Have you tried a map with info_player_rebel and/or info_player_combine (I think) entities?