Somebody Smarter Than Me Want To Help?


Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
I have a p3 750, 256 ram, 128mb ATI 9000.

Okay, all I know about computers is that I want to play Halflife2.

So should I be able to play it alright and what should I upgrade first?

See, I have no clue what each part of the PC does for games.

Yeah, I know, I'm a moron.
You will have to turn down details quite a bit... Well, probably, no one knows exactly how much. But it should be playable on it, you are well over the minimum requirements.

Edit: And you'll want to upgrade that CPU, definetly. Only problem is, along with that you need a new mobo. And new memory. And a new graphics card wouldnt be all bad :)
It really isn't as bad as it sounds. If you could save up 250 you could do yourself a decent job. And if you could save up another 250 you could get yourself a Radeon 9800 Pro (I just saw it on pricewatch at that price, unbelievable eh?) If you want me to make an actual list just give the word and I'll see what I can come up with.
Your kind of in a tough spot. You'll be able to play it but it will look like HL1. If you get a better graphics card like a Radeon 9600 Pro you'll probably be able to play at higher graphics settings. You really should consider getting a new CPU, ram and motherboard though; it depends on how much you play and what kind of games you play. I wouldn't spend alot on a new computer if all your going to do is play HL2 on it for instance.
Ahhh, so a vid card first huh? Then memory? I guess the benchmark will tell the tale. Are those playable?
No trouble at all =)

The most popular place on most forums is NewEgg so I'll just list thier prices. You may be able to find things a few dollars cheaper elswhere but not from a place that has the same solid reputation. So here you go, the basics:

Asus A7N8X-X Motherboard. $83.99

AMD Athlon XP 2500: $92.00

512mb DDR PC2700 Memory of your
choosing : $88.00

(roughly, I would have linked but it only lists all the memory and it doesn't have an individual page for each stick so I can't really link unless I want to try and describe where it is on the page.)

Total: 263.00

And you also get at least 5 bucks off that if you but the CPU with that motherboard and I don't know what other kind of deals they have. It's definetly something to look into, I'd say your video card is fine for now but eventually it wouldn't be a terrible idea to upgrade it. (That 9800 turned out to be non pro so =P )

Let me know if you need anything else -Noodly
unbelievable, thanks. Okay, to show my complete computer ignorance one last time, you mean I just buy this stuff and put it on my current computer or am I building a new one here? (go ahead laugh it up)
=) Do you have any computer-literate friends? With this system you're basically getting a whole new computer but whether or not you need a new case or power supply really depends on your current one. Cases range from 30 bucks to 200 bucks and pretty much any new case would do the job. But your current one may work just fine. If you do have a computer literate friend have them check the powersupply to see what the wattage is. And then have them check the power connector to the motherboard to see if it's ATX or AT (I'm guessing it's ATX but better safe than sorry) If you've got a 350Watt or greater power supply I'd say you'll be fine with your current case, so you basically take out the old stuff and put in the new. But if you don't know what you're doing you really should have someone else do it. Maybe even go into a local shop and see if they can match those prices and let them build it for a labor fee. (Probably another 60 bucks)
you are basically unmounting your motherboard and putting in a new one. Take out any cards and unhook all of the connectors of corse. You might want to save this cpu/mobo/ram combo you have for a linux or storage. Somthing of that sort.
Good find Sidewinder, saving money is always a good thing =) One thing I forgot to check on the NewEgg stuff is whether or not the CPU Is OEM. Indy: If the CPU Is OEM you're going to need to get a Heatsink/Fan combo!!! Either that or get the Retail CPU. (Probably the better option for you would be the Retail.)
Guys, don't force him into getting a computer, especially since he doesn't seem to know much about them. A mistake could be costly.

Indy, if you want my advice go to someone who you know is knowledgeable in the field of computers (and someone you can trust won't try to rip you off) and have him put it together for you.

However, if you don't have the money, a new case and a power supply as well as cd-roms, hard drives, etc. all add up. $248 is only for the core of the computer. The actual final cost will probably be more around $400-$600 depending on what you go with and what gets recycled which isn't exactly cheap. And yes, I would suggest getting at least a 9600 Pro if your going all the way as the 9000 cannot really compare.

Hope that helps in the slightest. I just don't want to see you get burned. People are always trying to take advantage of others.
the 9000 isn't a horrible card. (it's bette rthna the 5200fx :) )popping a new mobo/proc/RAM isn't all the horrible. The hardest part would possibly be installing it all.
Here's your first basic computer knowledge class.

Processor - Also known as "CPU." This is the Central Processing Unit of your computer which is basically the brain of the computer.

RAM - Ram, also call Random Action Memory, or, System Memory. This is how fast your computer can load and unload data.

Harddrive - This is how much space you have, and stores all the files on your computer.

Video Card - Plain and simple, without one, you can't see what's going on!

Sound Card - You do the math.

Motherboard - This is the big ass board that everything is stuck into, and is mounted to your case.

Power Supply - Also known as, PSU, how much you have of this determines how much voltage you output to your hardware. The standard supply these days is 300 watts.

Chassis - I hope you have one!
So whats a sound card do again? (kiddin)

Seriously, thanks to everyone. It was a huge help. Course, now some advice on finding a spare $400.00 bucks lying around would be great.

I thought I might be able to run this game with a somewhat medium to high level of looks considering I can crank games like Raven Shield and Morrowind to the max and be satisfied with the performance. I know HL2 will be a bit more advanced though. My friend tried to load some Doom3 demo on my PC and he had to turn everything pretty dern low for it to even be playable.

Oh well, thanks again. I huess I'll start with more RAM then check out the 9800 bundle with HL2 if it will really be available.
In order of priority to buy parts:

Video Card
Originally posted by guinny
Here's your first basic computer knowledge class.

Processor - Also known as "CPU." This is the Central Processing Unit of your computer which is basically the brain of the computer.

RAM - Ram, also call Random Action Memory, or, System Memory. This is how fast your computer can load and unload data.

Harddrive - This is how much space you have, and stores all the files on your computer.

Video Card - Plain and simple, without one, you can't see what's going on!

Sound Card - You do the math.

Motherboard - This is the big ass board that everything is stuck into, and is mounted to your case.

Power Supply - Also known as, PSU, how much you have of this determines how much voltage you output to your hardware. The standard supply these days is 300 watts.

Chassis - I hope you have one!

oh dear...

lets do that again but correctly this time...

"Processor - Also known as "CPU." This is the Central Processing Unit of your computer which is basically the brain of the computer."

The processor is known as the CPU (Central Processing Unit)
the speed of the processor is usually measured in mhz (back in the old days) but pc's nowadays use ghz. It used to be the faster the better but as technology has improved there are a few varying factors.

There are 2 "main" proccessor manufacturers AMD and Intel. AMD based processers are usually given a description similar to this.

Athalon 2000xp+

2000 - is the "theoretical" speed of the CPU. So its equivelant would be a 2.0gig Intel Chip. Although its actually speed in gigahertz (ghz) is 1.6** (** is the last 2 numbers cant remmber what they are at the moment) The reason why the actuall clock speed isnt as the name suggests 2.0gig is because AMD chip's do 3 extra clock cycles (about that anyhow...) so thats 3 clock cycles more than the Intel "equivelant"

(i dont know huge amounts about intel chips but ill put in my knowledge of what i know about them-so correct me if im wrong people... :) )

With intel chips you basically get what you see...

so if its a 2.4gig intel chip it will run at 2.4gigahertz(ghz) not much i can say there... More recent intel chips have a built in feature called Hyperthreading!! Hyperthreading in a nut shell is that it allows your proccessor to do 2 things at once...

Normal Processors (example)(AMD proccessors do not have the hyperthreading feature)

While you open say microsoft word and adobe photoshop. most proccesor s appear to be opening both programs at once... although they are infact just opening a bit of microsoft word and then a bit of adobe photoshop... taking it in turns to open a bit of each. Til the job is complete!

Hyperthreading (only supported on some of intels 3.0gig chips and higher (not all intel chips support this feature))(example)

same as above opening the two programs but instead of jumping back and forth between programs it opens both programs at the same time. (simple as that)

oh another thing which affects a proccessor is a thing called FSB or Front Side Bus which some1 else can explain... because im too lazy after typing that ^^^^^^^^^^

"RAM - Ram, also call Random Action Memory, or, System Memory. This is how fast your computer can load and unload data."

This statement is wrong...

RAM - RAM stands for Random Access Memory. (Fullstop) There are 3 types of RAM (used in present day)
type 1
SD RAM (is it SDRRAM cant quite remember but anyhow)SD ram stands for Single Data Rate RAndom access memory which very roughly means its sends data down 1 "stream" at a set speed e.g. 133 mhz(very rough interpretation i know... its 12.30am)

type 2
DDR RAM stands for Double Data Rate RAM which allows it to send data down 2 "streams" so while it says it runs at 133mhz it will actually go at 266mhz because it can send twice as much... (im probably way off but i dont care im on a roll :) )

type 3

RD RAM - bah... i dont know miuch about this RAM other than its Intel only (can only be used with an intel board and intel chip) it also has to be used in doubles i believe... so you either need 2x256mb chips or 2x512mb chiops (you get the idea) (some1 else explain that beter :/)

"Harddrive - This is how much space you have, and stores all the files on your computer."

that will suffice unless some1 wants to do thatone :/ cos i dont :)

"Video Card - Plain and simple, without one, you can't see what's going on!"

That statement above is true! but its more complex than that... there are lots of varying factors to do with graphics or Video cards (depending on where in the world you are) one is bandwidth (how quick you can send informaiton from ur gfx card to the proccessor) the higher the better usually!
pipelines... pipelines... same again the more the better... clock speed... the higher the better but mostly dependent on bandwith and pipelines... and some other stuff but im getting tired now :/

"Sound Card - You do the math."

agreed it plays sound... i have a cheap soundcard and its fine and dandy! unless you really need amazing sound through 5.1 sound cards for £30 will do... about $40-50 dollars...

"Motherboard - This is the big ass board that everything is stuck into, and is mounted to your case."

basically yea... for the two different proccessor makes (AMD or Intel) you require a board suitable for them... e.g a board that supports intel based chips...

oh... also different motherboards support different "speeds of proccessors" e.g some boards may only support 2500xp+ and above chips.

and other boards may only support 200xp+ - 3200xp+ chips...

"Power Supply - Also known as, PSU, how much you have of this determines how much voltage you output to your hardware. The standard supply these days is 300 watts."

yep... usually to be totally safe the higher the PSU means you wont have to put a "strain" on it if you have a lot of stuff plugged into it... id say a nice PSU would be about 450watts :)

"Chassis - I hope you have one! "

Case... theres bloody loads to choose from... ranging from shuttle's to micro ATX, to MIDI aTx, to big damn things... to beige old cruddy things :)
Originally posted by guinny
In order of priority to buy parts:

Video Card

sorry guinny if i seem like im picking on you :p

the best order would be

Motherboard - CPU- RAM
Video Card
TheRook glad you corrected me on the RAM, I have no argument there but I said what I thought I knew. However, everything else u said, you just added on to what I stated. I gave the basics, your not picking on me by adding on to them.
What the **** are you talking about?
Hey, guinny, long time no see! Hows stuff been going?
This is a bit more detail as to the differences between the 2 cpu companies.
let me put it this way :

A 2500+ costs $92 w/ hsf from newegg last i checked.
a 1.8 ghz 400 mghz fsb pentium 4 costs $128.
a 2.4 ghz 800 mghz fsb p4 costs about $180 (its late, so if im wrong blame the fact that im running on 3 hours worth of sleep)

The price difference is quite large. The 2.4 is about the same preformace as a 2500+, and cost twice as much.

There are 2 key factors in the difference in the prices. One of them is simply the fact that intel is the bigger company, and because of that they can charge more and still sell more. The second one is the fact that the pentium 4's feature a much larger core(also know has a flipchip or waffer) and it costs more to make. A minor difference is that the pentium 4's feature a 20 step pipeline, which is quite a few steps considering that most gpu's on have 7-8 step pipelines. I cant remember any of the steps right now, maybe tomarrow.
No, the p4 2.4C wih a 800MHz FSB smokes the 2500+
Commanche 4
2.4C= 53
Sisandra: CPU
SiSandra: Memory
PC Mark 2002
2500+ 5722
2.4C 5920

Originally posted by TheRook

Athalon 2000xp+

2000 - is the "theoretical" speed of the CPU. So its equivelant would be a 2.0gig Intel Chip.

Wrong, its based on amd's own thunderbird core.

Instead of marketing their new XP processors according to clock speed, AMD will label their chips by a "Model Number" that is normalized to the clock speed performance of the older Athlon "Thunderbird" architecture (despite rumors to the contrary, the rating system is not based on the Pentium 4).
well, like i said, they are "about" the same preformance. Most of those bench marks are pretty close, with the exception of the sisandra benchmakrs. And intel has always been better on the sisandra testing anyways. My main point was that the price difference is huge compared to the preformace difference.
Originally posted by pinkerton
well, like i said, they are "about" the same preformance. Most of those bench marks are pretty close, with the exception of the sisandra benchmakrs. And intel has always been better on the sisandra testing anyways. My main point was that the price difference is huge compared to the preformace difference.

Yeah..that was back in the day when those were amd and intels top of the lind cpus......

Thats when amd really was better.....not any more.
whatever. I still say the 2500+ has to be the best bargin for cpus around right now. anyways the athlon 64 will be out in a few weeks now, i cant wait to see how it preforms.
Originally posted by pinkerton
whatever. I still say the 2500+ has to be the best bargin for cpus around right now. anyways the athlon 64 will be out in a few weeks now, i cant wait to see how it preforms.

yes true

but i can spend a little more money on a p4 2.4c and see pretty large gains in performance....