Someone just pwnd my mirror!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
I parked at the movie theater so I could go purchase some tickets so I wouldn't have to wait in line an hour later for Underworld 2. Well, I buy teh tickets, took about 10 minutes..and I get back to my car..and the car that was parked next to me on the drivers side is gone..and my drivers side rear view mirror is in 1/2. It's just dangling there by the wires for the motor to move the mirror. It was originally broke when I got the car, but Apoxy let it sit for a year..until some douchebag decided he wanted to lean on it or something. It left some nice chunks of paint off as well. :(

Now I might as well just buy me a new set all together so it will look better :( It's raining now, so no pics..maybe tomarrow when it's light.
You need to get some heavy artillery and blast everything in your town/city.
CyberPitz said:
I parked at the movie theater so I could go purchase some tickets so I wouldn't have to wait in line an hour later for Underworld 2. Well, I buy teh tickets, took about 10 minutes..and I get back to my car..and the car that was parked next to me on the drivers side is gone..and my drivers side rear view mirror is in 1/2. It's just dangling there by the wires for the motor to move the mirror. It was originally broke when I got the car, but Apoxy let it sit for a year..until some douchebag decided he wanted to lean on it or something. It left some nice chunks of paint off as well. :(

Now I might as well just buy me a new set all together so it will look better :( It's raining now, so no pics..maybe tomarrow when it's light.
Jangle said:
It's happening again!
Funny first few times...then it was just people trying too hard...

/me hugs Pitzy.

Next time, get that African security system for your car that shoots jets of flame. Anyone who messes with your mirror will get F*CKED UP.
That's teh suckz.... Same thing happened to me at a restraunt, but I drive a restored 1994 Mazda B3000 so it's impossible to find parts for older rare cars like that... :'(
The awnser to this problem?
Get reactive armour on your car, if they hit into you, they get much more back :)
CyberPitz said:
Funny first few times...then it was just people trying too hard...


hahahha, good one.

my advice: buy a mirror which rotate 90 dgrees upward when the car's engine is IDLE :)
...that chick has a nice rear end. I'd like to "pwn her mirror", if you know what I mean.
Gorgon said:
hahahha, good one.

my advice: buy a mirror which rotate 90 dgrees upward when the car's engine is IDLE :)
That would be sweet. Then buy some lambo doors for my car.

I belive a pwned mirror needs to be told to the entire internets.

Most people keep looking at me thinking, "OMFG what did he do to that poor RX-7?!" And I'm just like, Don't worry fellahs, I'll fix it.
CyberPitz said:

Most people keep looking at me thinking, "OMFG what did he do to that poor RX-7?!" And I'm just like, Don't worry fellahs, I'll fix it.


Thats evil. :O You NEED to get a machine gun.