Someone mentioned this weapon idea a long time ago... is it possible?


Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
It would shoot a bubble per se and surround the enemy, then it fills with water and they drown. It sounded badass, I was just wondering if it could be done... If so, I think I'll teach myself and try to make it one day. :D
lol, i want to pick up a combine soldier with the manipulator and lower him slowly into hot lava MUHAHA
Would be fun :)
But hey, really wanna know if manipulator can handle combine :eek:
the manip can handle a combine as we saw in the tech demo section of the e3 video
yes that idea is absolutely do-able in source,
hell its do-able in HL1 with some work around
yeah but that wasnt the manip- the one thats in the game is the one that pics stuff up and throws them. The one in the tech demo didnt have weight requirements.
Actually I read in a gabe email that the manipulator weight limit will increase throughout the game as it gets upgraded. That is so cool! at the begginning we will be picking up bottles, cans, then up to barrels, radiators and who knows what after that!
Originally posted by jabberwock95
Actually I read in a gabe email that the manipulator weight limit will increase throughout the game as it gets upgraded. That is so cool! at the begginning we will be picking up bottles, cans, then up to barrels, radiators and who knows what after that!

Just imagine if the game had deformable geometry, we could rip roofs off of houses and fire them into streets packed with soldiers.
hmmm. Personally i don't think the manipulator is going to be able to pick up living things. From what i've seen you get it early on in the game and it has infinite ammo (the ammo counter in the vids disappeared when the manipulator was out). Think how easy it would be to pick up a combine soldier and blast him two blocks away. I bet mods will let you do that though cos it sounds fun :cheese:
Hrm... Bubble Bobble sounds like fun with the source engine...
Originally posted by 3rd Impact
Strider-tipping as a special ML mode? ;)

I would love to see one of those beasts right itself.

*Already drools
I would love to get an upgrade for the manipulator near the end of the game which allows you to pick up living people/smaller enemies. Or... you can only pick up small enemies to begin with (like headcrabs). :cool:
I would love to launch headcrabs at fellow scientists and barney... :) heheh that would be so cool if they stuck on their heads !!!
Originally posted by manny_c44
Just imagine if the game had deformable geometry, we could rip roofs off of houses and fire them into streets packed with soldiers.

Well, you might not be able to tear roofs (rooves?) off houses, but it appears that you can pull off signs, letters, mailboxes, etc. :cool: