Someone please mod Manhacks into oblivon!


Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Okay I love this game to death, but I'm not very far through it because Manhacks are annoying. Yeah, they're not that hard to kill, but they're also precisely zero fun. They are just a pain in the rectum. I don't want to continue playing until someone makes a mod to remove manhacks - is anyone planning on making this mod? If not, I suppose I'll just have to continue playing with them in there, but I would much prefer to play without them.
they only last for like 1 level of the game.

just use the crowbar ;)
Hazar said:
they only last for like 1 level of the game.

just use the crowbar ;)

Not really,they are in many "chapters"
They're not all over the place though, besides, its fun when you get the gravity gun :D

i think those things are cool.when i start making HL2 maps (as soon as the Half-Life2.fgd files is out) im gonna make a map with a swarm of them and make them attack a bunch on combine or maybe a strider humm me getting more ideas.... :E :rolleyes:
when you get the gravity gun manhacks become your new best friend. just shoot them at combine. problem soved. personally i hate the howlers/fast zombies. they really make me nervous. i dont like anything that moves that fast. especially since the last 20 feet or so they go even quicker and make an even nastier sounding scream :eek:
Why would anyone want to get rid of the manhacks.. those things are great.

Like bodhi says, fun for throwing at combine.. or just holding them and using them that way, nasty way to kill people :D:D