Something about HL1 I thought of


Sep 18, 2003
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I've never really thought about this until now, but in HL1 as you're playing through Xen, who the hell are all the dead bodies that look like they're wearing hazard suits? I just thought about them, and was like wait a second, wasn't there only 1 portal which was really hard to bring up? How did all those dead guys get there? Anyone know?
Perhaps check the other thread in this forum titled "Dead Bodies in Xen from HL1." There's lots of speculation about it in there.
thier just other people who came to xen to check it out, and somehow died (dumbasses)
In the scientist's word :

"The survey team collected quite a few interesting specimens, before starting to be collected themselves ..... "
Yes, they are the non-survivors of an ill-fated exploration mission to Xen. Simple as that.
Or, as i like to think, they are freeman's from other dimensions/universes...
That's a cool one...
But apparently an incorrect one...

One of them, from OP4, is a lady.
You're talking about gina? or the other one in decay (never played it tough)
No, in OP4, there's a dead lady in an HEV suit in the Xenian waste-disposal-type-place that you can get to at one point using the Displacer.
Never seen her, i got a problem with my op4, most of the times i use the transporter, HL crashes, so i didn't see all of them(xen levels in op4)... :(
You poor bugger... those bits are cool...

'Course, not everyone likes the Xen levels...
Neo_Kuja said:
I think they're just the survey team ......

Listen to him......he says what I would have, had I been here at the start of this post.

If you just listen to the dialug, there isn't much to be confused about.
to chimpmunk
those dead bodies can't be gordon... those had helmets, gordon didn't had... if you remember in OP4 you can see gordon jumping into portal, without helmet..
mooma said:
to chimpmunk
those dead bodies can't be gordon... those had helmets, gordon didn't had... if you remember in OP4 you can see gordon jumping into portal, without helmet..

You know, that's wierd. I was playing through Xen the other day (bit of a safari, kill some time), and was thinking that Gordon must be wearing a sealed helmet...but as you say, he isn't - doesn't make much sense really does it? Not only would you expect him to suffocate (I'd wouldn't expect Xen to have the same atmosphere as Earth), but if he's not wearing the helmet, how do you see the HUD?
Brian Damage said:
You poor bugger... those bits are cool...

'Course, not everyone likes the Xen levels...[/QUOTE]
i think they're the best, so sad we won't see them again in HL2 :(
thomashiles said:
You know, that's wierd. I was playing through Xen the other day (bit of a safari, kill some time), and was thinking that Gordon must be wearing a sealed helmet...but as you say, he isn't - doesn't make much sense really does it? Not only would you expect him to suffocate (I'd wouldn't expect Xen to have the same atmosphere as Earth), but if he's not wearing the helmet, how do you see the HUD?

Well the aliens survive on earth without suffocating so the answer is yes, both planets have similar enough atmospheres.

And as for the HUD....IT'S A GAME! :rolling:
RoguePsi said:
Well the aliens survive on earth without suffocating so the answer is yes, both planets have similar enough atmospheres.QUOTE]

Oh yeah...d'oh
Actually there was a little bit of discussion about this a while back... I think the general thing that was decided was that he was wearing the helmet (there are a couple of old pieces of art around with him holding an HEV helmet). I think that him being helmetless in OP4 was simply because they re-used the multiplayer model, which has him helmetless for effect...
Brian Damage said:
Actually there was a little bit of discussion about this a while back... I think the general thing that was decided was that he was wearing the helmet (there are a couple of old pieces of art around with him holding an HEV helmet). I think that him being helmetless in OP4 was simply because they re-used the multiplayer model, which has him helmetless for effect...

I dunno about that. He's also sans helmet in blueshift, and the suit he picks up in the first place also doesn't have one.

I think that the best explanation is that the HUD is projected holographically.
There are lots of holograms lying around the base. Like in the hazard course.
So why doesn't the HUD flicker like crazy, then :p?

Well, they designed the HEV to have a helmet, I doubt he'd leave it off (Half the time something hazardous to his health was going on), there's pics of him holding it, even one of him wearing it, from memory...

I reckon most of the pics and the in-game models are helmetless for reasons of familiarity and photogenicity. Either that, or he took his helmet off to talk to the scientist in the teleport chamber... And the bit in Blue Shift with him in, is him being dragged by the Marines, right? Maybe they took his helmet off for some reason...


Maybe that's how they clubbed him?

Or perhaps they just wanted to spit in his face, after he'd caused such a poppage of clogs amongst their fellow soldiers...
Yeah. When the Marines knocked him out, he couldn't have been wearing a helmet. I think evidence suggests he wasn't wearing one (besides, headcrabs wouldn't be a pest if he was wearing one).

Perhaps Gordon never saw the HUD but everything on it simply displayed what he knew (just so the player also knew). He knew how much ammo he had left, how much energy the HEV had left and how injured he was.
Actually, if he wasn't wearing a helmet the headcrabs would kill him pretty quickly. Whereas if he is (and I think he is) they'd simply be a bit of a pest.

As for the bodies in anybody who thinks they're Freeman in other dimensions or anything like are pretty much told who they are and saying it's multiple Freemans is like saying that all the dead Barneys you find in the facility are Barney Calhoun from another dimension.
chimpmunk said:
Brian Damage said:
You poor bugger... those bits are cool...

'Course, not everyone likes the Xen levels...[/QUOTE]
i think they're the best, so sad we won't see them again in HL2 :(

I thought Gabe mentioned in the PC Zone interview / article that you would be returning to Xen...?
"Offworld locations"...

They've also said that they'll be "Bringing bits of Xen to Earth", IIRC...