Something I Noticed In Ravenholm


Mar 30, 2006
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Dumb as in it probably doesnt matter for you to read this(But do) and it doesnt affect whatever shizzle or so.

Remember in ravenholm, before you get to the house with the burning front yard, to switch off the electricity? Well, remember the electricity? In read life, if you touch a 10000000000volts while in the air, you dont feel at thing, because youre not grounded. So if Gordon jumps and touches the fence, he shouldnt be hurt, and he should be able to jump onto the ladder and climb over without touching the floor and not hurting himself. So why does he :p

sorry for being a bitchin asshole, but i just wanted to state this for being uber curious about electricity.

(Could it be becuase to different energy frequencys between gordon and the fence?)
I'm not sure, maybe because his feet are on the rungs, would that count as grounded? Good question though.
I'm not sure, maybe because his feet are on the rungs, would that count as grounded? Good question though.

bingo, the current would be passing through him which would turn him into a bbq pretty fast.
It doesnt have to be the feet, if someone were to handstand with one hand, and touch the electrical fence with the outer, he'd feel the pain and fall over.
The current would still pass through his body...

What an HEV suit would do is anyones guess but you do get hurt by electricity fairly easily for a powered suit.
Depends. I don't think Valve really cares at all, but it would be nice to not just have realistic physics but realistic elemental behavior as well.
It's a game.

That was a challenge for you to figure out, it'd be stupid if you could just leap over the fence, and skip the entire puzzle.

And if you debate the puzzle as is, let's hear suggestions for a better puzzle. (seriously)
Im just suggesting and being a bitch :p
I didn't really care about that.

I was just laughing at the roast dude hanging from the fence.
i dont think you can roast on electricity like that D:
Maybe he was already roasted. We see plenty of burned-decomposing bodies in quite corners.

But some of those with clothes on still have the beta citizens orange "C17" tag on their backs.

So, the Grigory roasts some guy, and carefully traps him on a fence.

That saddist bastard.
Maybe he was already roasted. We see plenty of burned-decomposing bodies in quite corners.

But some of those with clothes on still have the beta citizens orange "C17" tag on their backs.


Old City 17 uniform, before they switched to the fashionable blues. :)
Why did they have to label the citizens. I mean if you took the train you have to change :O

"You have chosen or been chosen"
you know to much, they don't want you to know that so they can do whatever they want.
Well the suit is made of a type of metal, so he would most propably fry.
Or maby valve wanted to make a puzzel.
I agree with the ladder being the ground. Birds on a electric wire arent fried, because they aren't touching the ground nor are they touching anything that touches the ground. But when a human grabs an electric fence, they are then grounded, and the electricity flows through them, which can really hurt your heart. I've been electrocuted in such a way, at a very low amperage, and it doesn't send you flying or anything. it just makes your muscles spazz out, and your brain interprets this as somebody hitting and kicking you.

Obviously Gordon couldn't climb that ladder because the amps (electrical current) were so high flowing through it that it physically hurt him. And his feet AND the bottom of the ladder and the fence acted as grounds to the current, which would make the electricity cause some damage to a human body.
I think the suit is made of some carbon nanotubes or something. Who knows?

It does have high impact reactive armor, but that may only activate when you're hit by an RPG.
his suit should act as a Faraday's cage, as there would be a layer of insulation between him and the metal of the suit