Something I was thinking about on my 2nd play through

Oct 8, 2003
Reaction score
Why would they capture Eli and just turn him into a combine? He seemed so special and all, so why would they just turn him into a combine? There had to be thousands of leftover citizens that they could use to create combine....
He was no longer needed as he wouldn't give into Breen's demand on making the resistance stop, and Mossman had all the knowledge about local teleportation he had.
a combine with one leg? i dont think he would cut hit, eli would be the combine sitting in the corner of the cafeteria reading his DnD books while every other combine made fun of him :LOL:
Why? said:
a combine with one leg? i dont think he would cut hit, eli would be the combine sitting in the corner of the cafeteria reading his DnD books while every other combine made fun of him :LOL:
He'd make a great stalker, though...already halfway there, heh heh!
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
He'd make a great stalker, though...already halfway there, heh heh!
oh yeah, he would be a hit at the stalker table. "dude you have one leg, i wish i had one leg. then maybe those combine bastards would treat me with some respect"
Why? said:
oh yeah, he would be a hit at the stalker table. "dude you have one leg, i wish i had one leg. then maybe those combine bastards would treat me with some respect"
HA HA HA! The STALKER TABLE!!!! In the Combine cafeteria! oh, that's great!

totally ****in' sigged, dude.
no but breen said when he was talking to mossman about how valuable eli was and stuff....they had such a huge plan to capture him and stuff, why not just kill him since they knew he wasnt gonna give in to them? he's just one more who couldve been a combine
**** yes! my life goal is complete! i always wanted someone to quote me in there sig lol

im sure the reason they did not kill eli was because breen thought he could still get the information out somehow. and if he killed eli you would think the resistence would get even worse
Join the club... I had one of my smart comments quoted. :) But anywho that was a pretty funny comment you made. You should be proud of yourself.
you need to spoiler tag that shit, i havent got the game yet....
gee thanks (yes i know its my own fault for being in a forum when i havent played/beaten the game)

ROFL at the stalker comment
Some_God said:
Join the club... I had one of my smart comments quoted. :) But anywho that was a pretty funny comment you made. You should be proud of yourself.
Haha...I had a MOD quote me...
Mabye they would make him a stalker (shivers)

those are the screaming engineer guys with spiked legs and pale skin
mm i feel so special tonight! i get quoted by steve, and he posts everywhere so everyone will see it! and i found out the girl i like likes me! yayz0rz for me!
Why? said:
mm i feel so special tonight! i get quoted by steve, and he posts everywhere so everyone will see it! and i found out the girl i like likes me! yayz0rz for me!
Full day, eh? Good stuff. I also had a good day. Good days are good. ...and days.
aye havent had a good day in a few years lol. also got a good night sleep last night mmmmm i am good