Something I would like to see in Episode Three


Jan 2, 2008
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I would like to see Gordon Freeman's face ingame. Like if he got the portal gun and looked through the portals to see himself. It would also be interesting to see a Gordon Freeman model in game.
Hey, I just thought of a reason why you won't use the portal gun in Ep. 3.

Wait, you're for real?

It appears you haven't been here for very long...

I'll come back in 10 minutes when there have been more "No"s.
Why does nobody want the portal gun in Episode Three? What is wrong with seeing Gordon Freeman ingame?
It's a Half-life rule. We never see his face, nor do we hear him talk. Valve dogma.
if we do get the portal gun, then the portals are going to only be placeable in positions where we can't see ourselves...or...more realistically, alyx or another NPC will get the portal gun and THEY will make the portals and we just follow them.
The portal gun belongs to a completely different style of gameplay, which I would like them to keep separate from the core HL games. We know they're going to make another Portal game sometime, so I'd rather just wait until then to get another go with it. If you're going to have portals in a game then it's best to have the whole game based around them, because they take a bit of getting used to, unlike normal HL puzzles which use simple physics mostly.

Also, if there was a portal gun then we would inevitably have to see Gordon's face. Gordon never talks or is seen in game because valve wants you to believe that you are Gordon Freeman. If Godron says something then he is given a personality of his own, and effectively is a separate character. As for seeing him, I suppose his body language and face or something might give off information about him. I think it would separate the player from him a bit.
The portal gun belongs to a completely different style of gameplay, which I would like them to keep separate from the core HL games. We know they're going to make another Portal game sometime, so I'd rather just wait until then to get another go with it. If you're going to have portals in a game then it's best to have the whole game based around them, because they take a bit of getting used to, unlike normal HL puzzles which use simple physics mostly.

Also, if there was a portal gun then we would inevitably have to see Gordon's face. Gordon never talks or is seen in game because valve wants you to believe that you are Gordon Freeman. If Godron says something then he is given a personality of his own, and effectively is a separate character. As for seeing him, I suppose his body language and face or something might give off information about him. I think it would separate the player from him a bit.

Well said.
So we don't see Gordon because Valve wants to protect the nut jobs that think there to ones defeating the Combine? That's stupid. I never for one sec thoght I was Gordon Freeman. Or any other video game character. An anyone who does...oh a strange people. go away strange people I don't want to be your friend. I want to see Gordon.
So we don't see Gordon because Valve wants to protect the nut jobs that think there to ones defeating the Combine? That's stupid. I never for one sec thoght I was Gordon Freeman. Or any other video game character. An anyone who does...oh a strange people. go away strange people I don't want to be your friend. I want to see Gordon.

You're an idiot.
I would like to see Gordon Freeman's face ingame. Like if he got the portal gun and looked through the portals to see himself. It would also be interesting to see a Gordon Freeman model in game.

Well, let me tell you a little story about Gordon. We don't play as him. We only play as his hands. I mean really. The only thing in the HL series you can see of Gordon are his hands/arms.

Arm fetish anyone? :frog: I thought so.

Oh and above poster, isn't that just a mod?
How cool would it be if you find a mirror in game and its all fuzzy and grimy, so you get closer to take a closer look and alyx screams "Gordon!" and the glass gets shot and shatters. That would be epic.
I may be an idiot but your drunk and tommorow you'll be sober.....wait.
No portal gun in episode 3. However what Valve is going to do with Half-Life 3 maybe radically different from anything they've done so far as it is probably not going to be made for some years.
How cool would it be if you find a mirror in game and its all fuzzy and grimy, so you get closer to take a closer look and alyx screams "Gordon!" and the glass gets shot and shatters. That would be epic.

It would be more epic if you looked in the mirror and in the spot where gordons head should be. There is a floating cake...
When I play Duke Nukem and look in the mirror and see Duke Nukem himself, and listen to his uber awesome oneliners I still feel like Duke Nukem. 'cause that is what first person view accomplishes.

I see nothing wrong with seeing Gordon's face ingame, especially because we all know how he looks like.

And we did hear Gordon's voice, in the very first game no less.
When you enter the test chambre, remember:

"What's he doing up there?"
"Nothing to worry about, Freeman ..."
And we did hear Gordon's voice, in the very first game no less.
When you enter the test chambre, remember:

"What's he doing up there?"
"Nothing to worry about, Freeman ..."

Uhhh... what?

Duke Nukem is not the same as Gordon IMO. No mirrors or Gordon faces, please. It wouldn't be pleasing and it adds nothing any way.
So we don't see Gordon because Valve wants to protect the nut jobs that think there to ones defeating the Combine?

I agree. This word makes much sense. Felling in the pool makes lots guns first person. Stupid beholder people.

That's stupid. I never for one sec thoght I was Gordon Freeman. Or any other video game character.

Good, because we don't expect you to.

If you did, you'd be a case. And we'd have to lock you up.

A shame.

What we do expect, however, is that you feel more entwined with the character than you did with any other character from a first person that you've played. You might not notice this because you're immature, young and wouldn't notice the subtle differences in games, but it's there, and it's subtle, and Valve have accomplished it amazingly.

Seeing yourself in a mirror or similar would break the fourth wall. Have you ever looked in a mirror and not seen yourself? No? Right, because it doesn't happen in real life. Period.

An anyone who does...oh a strange people.

These lands are grieving for the blood! Oh, how we pray to see the day!

Wait, we're not writing a poem?

go away strange people I don't want to be your friend. I want to see Gordon.

No. U go away! Lol.
In both Op4 and Blue Shift you see Gordon Freeman at various times.
you've played. You might not notice this because you're immature, young and wouldn't notice the subtle differences in games, but it's there, and it's subtle, and Valve have accomplished it amazingly.

Hey an elitist snob you never see those on forums. You must be a real individual huh.
Hey an elitist snob you never see those on forums. You must be a real individual huh.

Hey a little, spoilt teen attempting to use sarcasm in the vain attempt to be recognised and noticed for his ever-so expansive knowledge, inevitably resulting in lying in a puddle of your own fermented fail. Unfortunately they're far too common on forums. Stop thinking that individuality is something you want to achieve.

Rule #1
Don't use sarcasm; there is always someone older/better/stronger/superior/greater/more intelligent than you, no matter who you are.

Rule #2
Don't use insults; you probably have a psychological reason for doing it.

Rule #3
Don't make a radical statement without evidence to support your claim; you shall fail.

And I wouldn't have called myself a snob, but then I just didn't call everyone else in a thread "stupid", did I?
Druckles, he's right. We snobs are all 'individuals'. He on the other hand is an induhvidual.
And we did hear Gordon's voice, in the very first game no less.
When you enter the test chambre, remember:

"What's he doing up there?"
"Nothing to worry about, Freeman ..."

Which part of that was supposed to be said by Gordon? I don't think he'd refer to himself as Freeman if he really talked unless he was retarded or something :dozey:
We already know what Gordon looks like, he's been on the cover of some of the games.
We already know what Gordon looks like, he's been on the cover of some of the games.

The question is not as to what he looks like, but as to whether we should see him in game. Sorry, the suggestion, it's barely a question.
We already know the answer, so there's little to discuss.

Not having seen him at all was not an argument.
Which part of that was supposed to be said by Gordon? I don't think he'd refer to himself as Freeman if he really talked unless he was retarded or something :dozey:

The first line, duh.
It's not really a matter of knowing what Gordon looks like. I'd go into a long explanation of why Valve will not show you Gordon's reflection or anything like that, but I'm a bit too inebriated to pull it off. Feel free to search my posts if you really care to know.
Druckles thank you for f*cking putting that stupid tool in his place.
Aye, thank you Druckles.

Not having Gordon speak makes him feel like an extension of me, like they were going for. For example, in the Nova Prospekt turret defense section, I was rather pissed at Alyx for arriving after such a hard battle. Her character, for all its charms, was constantly having me fight while she unlocked security doors or whatever. If Gordon had said something along the lines of "Its okay. Lets go get your Dad." that connection would cease to be. Otherwise, my emotions are Gordon's emotions, since he is like an extension of me.

Hope that explains it a bit to anyone who really wants to hear him speak. >_<
For the last time, the Portal Gun will not be present in Episode 3, HL follows a completely different gameplay pattern to Portal, Portal is currently Valves test subject, if they want to experiment with gameplay, they use Portal, to continue gaining money, they use HL2 and TF2.
Aye, thank you Druckles.

Not having Gordon speak makes him feel like an extension of me, like they were going for. For example, in the Nova Prospekt turret defense section, I was rather pissed at Alyx for arriving after such a hard battle. Her character, for all its charms, was constantly having me fight while she unlocked security doors or whatever. If Gordon had said something along the lines of "Its okay. Lets go get your Dad." that connection would cease to be. Otherwise, my emotions are Gordon's emotions, since he is like an extension of me.

Hope that explains it a bit to anyone who really wants to hear him speak. >_<

You explain it perfectly. what can I add?
Another scientist, probably, whoever it is.

You're as bad as my friend who insists that Eli said it was Gordon that spoke to him "Unforseen Consequences". He's such a jerk, and he's just too stubborn to even see he's wrong. It just makes him such a moron. But no-one else knows it, and it's so frustrating!