Something is wrong


Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
One day when i woke up i started at this map and i did alot to it...etc...

And when i test played the map there was som STUPID rock in the map that shouldn't be there :flame: look your self...I've just played normaly the last pic i think is a picture how it looks like in hammer...... WHAT SHOULD I DO???
Remake the rock blocking the tunnel as a prop_static. You can do this in the XSI modtool if you don't have a 3D package. I'm guessing that the complex BSP in the rock is making things go insane somehow.

I guess before going through that trouble, save a copy of the map without the rock annd see if the issue is fixed. If so, you know the culprit.

This is a wild guess, so I could easily be wrong.
I guess there has been some vertex manipulation here. The best way to fix this is to delete the faulty brush. Normally if you do a "check for problems" (ALT+P) it'll tell you what brush it is but if it doesn't you'll have to find out by yourself what brush can cause that. Or if your map doesn't contain too much stuff, you can copy paste in another empty map the brushes you are sure they are correct. Then test. If it works, add other brushes untill you find the faulty one. good luck. Oh and don't forget to always save your map on different names in case you want to go back to a previous stage.
looks like a giant displacement to me

check the wall with the texture application, in the displacement tab, and make sure it is not a displacement.

Edit: On closer inspection, perhaps that boulder blocking the train is cutting into the other walls? Make sure you didn't carve that wall with the boulder at any point.
Looks like you carved something, you'll have to delete that sky brush and rebuild it. And put everything back in place.
yeh, i was pretty sure it was a carve

The skybox probably shouldn't be that close to the side of the map anyways, because of things like this happening.

EDIT: Hahah, just noticed your modified pistol. It looks leet, where'd you get that sucker from ? :)
it isnt going from the skybox the skybox is behinf the black thing and the black thing is 32 something outside the map
looks like a displacement/carve problem- or u have a leak

try deliting complicated things like giant displacements- those things allways cause truble
Well, to me, that big black hole looks like a big carve into the skybox ??

You may have to remake the map, or just copy most of the stuff that is working right now, and paste it into a clean map.

Or you COULD just make a new wall there, where the big gaping black hole is

I found the problem now....i had some big stones if you remember.... and when I did them i first had a big box that i shaped to a rock....and then I removed all small pieces that camed from the rock...but forgot to remove one lilltle little little pice that was 0.5 x 0.5 so i didn't se it....the solution was right in front of me :p