Something nice to look at until HL2 comes


Jul 17, 2003
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Hi Guys,
Out of bordom and excitement I have made these final wallpapers (based on people's favourite screens thread) and beautified them to get you hyped about this coming Tue and to also give you something nice on your desktops!

C17 (my fave)


and finally...

Hope you enjoy them ;)

My God! Those are marvelous. You did an excellent job with those screenshots and making them well-worthy wallpapers. All three will be my future wallpapers. I really like what you did.

:thumbs: :cheers:
Thanks guys, I thought i'd put in some extra effort on these as they are likey the last HL2 ones I will make :)
The blur reminds me of a HL2 dream I had.

Good work.
Nice blur effects.
She said:
art forum?
Or maybe this forum? Yeah, it's Half-Life 2 related, and when a thread contains art and Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 is probably prioritized as first.
Just thought I'd post this, its a more colourful version of the C17 wallpaper above!

Nice C17
very nice man, how u do that glowing effect ??
can anyone else view them right now, I think my host is dead but it could be just me...? if it is i'll post links to another host
Prince of China said:
Nice blur effects.

Or maybe this forum? Yeah, it's Half-Life 2 related, and when a thread contains art and Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2 is probably prioritized as first.

ok, so why dont we start posting all HL2art in this forum.... :|

(there is a artforum for a reason youknow..)