Something regarding your clock...


Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
... Yes, it say's clock, you didn't misread it.

Anyway I think BST is ending and the clocks go forwards or backwards or some other direction. Don't forget, and end up an hour late or early, you'll just look like a tit. Or a bigger tit.
Bigger tit:

You know, some say there's a name in that avatar, but i'll be damned if I can see it.
Watch out: Hectic's good with the infraction button.
Fall back * back an hour*
Spring forward *ahead an hour*

I find it quite simple, and fun to say!
Goes backwards, I only remembered when I saw my PC clock vs my alarm clock.
my computer clock once started ticking backwards very quickly. I looked at it, and it was like... 5:00, and seconds later it was whizzing from 4:59 down to 4:00 and kept going and going. until it got back to 5:00 and stopped.


Of course I could be making that up. But probably not.
I've never seen a Clock thread with tits as the second subject until now. It's all good, now I've got an extra hour to dream about em. :)
Yes, tonight we all set our clocks backwards. Instead of going clockwise, they go counter-clockwise (henceforth known as "clockwise") from now on.
Watch out: Hectic's good with the infraction button.
I'll distract him, you sneak into his account and break the switch. shhhhh

Hectic Glenn: So... How 'bout that local sports team? And their... recent conflict with their hated arch-rivals? Yeah, that was pretty, you know, yeah, it was exciting. Good times.
Good old Radio Controlled clocks.

I guess the reason they do it on a Sunday is so you have a day to correct any mistakes.
We set an hour forward - so my sleep-in really didn't count :(

But "op narth" in Queensland the Govt. is saying that they won't adopt daylight saving due to more people getting sunburnt... wtf?
I hate it when the clock go backwards.

I always wake up an hour earlier in the morning as if it's eight but really it's seven :(
I'll distract him, you sneak into his account and break the switch. shhhhh

Hectic Glenn: So... How 'bout that local sports team? And their... recent conflict with their hated arch-rivals? Yeah, that was pretty, you know, yeah, it was exciting. Good times.

Whats that from??? Tell me now!!! Its driving me insane!!!
If I shoved my clock in your face I think you'd know what time it is.
ARGHH, I had forgotten about this, now its driving me insane again!!!! Damn you stigmata

/me sticks loo brush in ear and swishes it about