Something to be excitied about if you own a PS3!

That's actually pretty cool.

Driver in 1080i. Mm.
Oh yeah--can't wait for this one. Gotta break out my old games and see how they look now so that I can realy notice a difference tomorrow after the update! Sweet news!
WOOHOO! God of War II in 1080p! Now I'm gonna be glued to my PS3 all day tomorrow. Guess that's not such a bad thing... :)
HOLY SHIT!!!! The update is out and I put in Flatout 2 for the PS2 in the PS3. I upscaled it to 1080i and looks like a whole new game!! I can't wait to try MGS2 and 3 not to mention the Final Fantasy games...OMG!!
Holy shit, they added progressive scan and that made it crazy now HD Twisted METAL!!!!!!!!

Just wish i didnt beat the MGS games just recently.
This is great news ... but I love how they release this right after I get finished playing through San Andreas and God of War 2 ;( . Oh well, I was planning on going through MGS2/MGS3 again in the future anyway.
This is great news ... but I love how they release this right after I get finished playing through San Andreas and God of War 2 ;( . Oh well, I was planning on going through MGS2/MGS3 again in the future anyway.
GoW2 has a HD function.
GoW2 has a HD function.
No, it has widescreen and progressive scan. But there is a very noticable difference after the update. It took care of a lot of the aliasing and pretty much made all the textures much smoother. Looks damn nice.
What other games have you guys tried?? I haven't tried any since I was asleep when this released and am at work now. Can't wait to try FF 12 and Dragon Quest 8, not to mention RE 4, GoW, SotC, Okami, Odin Sphere, etc etc etc! I only wish it could make the framerates better in some games too (I am looking at you Herdy Gerdy :E).
I only wish it could make the framerates better in some games too.

Haha, yeah. SotC in 60FPS would be a dream come true. :E

I'm installing the update as we speak, I'll return with some impressions later.
Thank Jebus. I don't own a PS3 but I can't stand how bad upscaling looks especially with a DVD player. D:
The big difference I notice are the colors.
I have two versions of GT3 so I played one on the PS2 and the other on the PS3 at the same time, switched between the two and saw quite some difference. Also smoother image quality and not as jaggy as before.

The DVD upscaling is also good, better colors and much more clearer picture.

I have to try out FFXII too, playing that on the PS2 on a 32" HDTV... well, it doesn't look very good. :cheese:
The big difference I notice are the colors.
Oooh, that bodes well for Odin Sphere whose colors rival any title out there!!
I have to try out FFXII too, playing that on the PS2 on a 32" HDTV... well, it doesn't look very good. :cheese:
Yeah, I played it before the update last night on my 22" monitor over component cables and the jaggies were so well-defined it was awesome!! :hmph:

It looked better on an SDTV sadly. I hope the update helps it even though its still my favorite true FF.
I can definitely confirm that this makes a big difference. San Andreas had a particularly large improvement, while MGS2 looked a bit better but nothing too drastic (it already looked damn good). I haven't bothered trying any DVD's since I already have a scalable player, but the difference it makes in games is very significant.
the difference it makes in games is very significant.
True true true. FF12 looks WORLDS better than it ever has thanks to this update!! It was beautiful before but now it is just plain gorgeous!! Dragon Quest 8 too looks really really impressive and RE4 looks much more brilliant too. Gotta try SotC next though....