Something You Would NEVER Order Over The Net?


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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What is something that you would never order online (Ebay, Amazon, stuff like that.)

I would never order food... I don't know why people sell food online... it's creepy.
I'd never order another bride.

I mean... food.

Use it :)

On the topic, I don't really like ordering anything other than software or computer hardware from well known sites.
Ah... Prolly... erm... errrrm... Oh, drugs!
MILK. Damn people sell milk online. I put the link of the picture of the expired milk, and the link was from some online shop.
I'm a little iffy about ordering jeans off the net at the moment, I prefer to try them on :)
A life.

The interwebs ruins enough of them. I don't want to risk my shipment getting damaged.
I would never order food... I don't know why people sell food online... it's creepy.

My local Dominos is online, it's sweet as. Couple of clicks, and 10 mins later there's a DING DONG and my custom-made pizza is at my door, steamy hot and gorgeous as ever. Doesn't that count as food over the internet?
Wait, you don't get it delivered to your email inbox? D:

I wouldn't order the massacre of millions over the internet.

No, I'd send a written order to my second in command instead.
A prostitute.

OH wait I did that once....

Milk. I would never order Milk.
Anything which I wanted for someone's Christmas present. You never know what condition it will be in, and if it gets broken you feel mean for not getting them anything.
An air guitar. Damn things keep getting crushed in the box during travel.
Shoes. Not unless I know well in advance which specific shoe model I am buying. What if they are not comfortable? What do I do then?
I'd buy food from Well known places like Asda, Sainsburys etc and fast food like pizza delivery, but not from Ebay. Eww.

I'm not an internet buyer at all, except when it comes to Steam stuff.
A flesh light as when i started using it, i found out it was second hand :(