
What do you use to record it? Doesn't quite sound true-to-accoustic (the early part) .. and the electric guitar's distort sounds fairly.. off, like it's over distorted, and hangs around when you're not playing the notes.. either you're recoding on a shite microphone or the amp you're using isn't handling the volume too well.

That said, it's not a bad tune, and certainly does sound fairly together :)
Hey thanks for the comments guys :)

@Badger: I used a computer mic that looks something like this. It sucks but it works... kinda :p. The electric guitar sounds kind of weird because I'd be playing some parts seperately and then edit them so they'd be continuous because I would screw up too much if I played the electric guitar part all at once.

@Searanox: I was using a metronome but when I played what I had recorded, I could hear the beat of the metronome so I just said screw it and tapped my feet instead :p But yeah next time I'll try to solve that.