Sonic 2 HD demo contains a keylogger


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
The demo has already caused some controversy but this is pretty ridiculous. The game initially set anti-virus software off when people tried to download it. Originally this was thought to only be due precautions taken by one of the programmers on the project (who seems to be an asshole, judging by the story in my link up there) including some code to prevent people modifying or viewing the game's files. Turns out it also contains a full keylogger.

Kotaku said:
we have found no evidence that the software has been “phoning home” any data-only that we have found the capability exists.
Because this vulnerability has been found, we are strongly advising that the software be removed. You will need to delete the files included with the Sonic 2 HD zip, as well as the registry keys hooked at HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/NakaSMK

It's a shame because the game actually looks pretty nice.
the ****? is that legal?
It may actually have been an accident. Some people think the guy was just trying to programme the control inputs (as in, WASD to move and everything) and did it by making the game monitor all keystrokes all the time. Apparently if you're playing and minimize the game and start typing the game will still react to your keystrokes.

So the guy who programmed it is either malicious, an idiot or a malicious idiot.
It seems that it doesn't store or transmit key presses and the guy who programmed it is just a ****ing idiot.

Edit: They've also fired him.