Sonic heroes

Fat Tony!

Jun 12, 2003
Reaction score
This game sucks! The idea is that tales, sonic and knuckles are a team, tales make u fly, sonic makes u go fast and knuckles bashes stuff, but god this game barley has a storyline and bad gameplay, 2 player sucks as well.
The DC versions were great.

Spent months playing Advs 1/2...
The only Sonic game that was any good was the very first one ever released :/

Never thought Munro actually posted down here with us "inferiors"....
What I don't understand is, why can't they make a game where you play as Sonic only ?

They need to get rid of this goofy team crap.
This is the first team game. Sonic adventure 1 on the dc was a godlike game. It had an excellent storyline + excellent gameplay. And yea the original sonic game owned :).
I like every Sonic game I've ever played. The comic's cool too. Anyone seen Sonic X?
I was always a bit skepticle on this one. they had high hopes of returning to the original platformer feeling, but I never got interested in the way it looked. If they did however manage to recreate the feeling of the genesis games I would be VERY happy. But I still havent played Heroes... guess I'll give this one a while. WHen its cheaper I might buy it. For now I have higher concerns (such as UT2004).
sonic and knuckles rocked... escpecially when plugged up to sonic 3
Sonic 1-3 and Sonic and Knuckles all rocked (particularly Sonic 2)! The transition to 3D has not been graceful though...