Sony admits PS3 compatibility hiccup


Nov 6, 2003
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Sony has yet to lend its voice to the argument, but independent commentators have claimed the consumer electronics giant sold just shy of 90,000 PlayStation 3 consoles this past weekend. Sony did admit that not all PSOne and PS2 games run on the new machine. Whoops.

Of course, not all Xbox games run on the Xbox 360, but while Microsoft decided to implement backwards compatibility through software, using an emulator, Sony took the more costly approach of incorporating the PS2's EE+GS chip and other components.

Which is why the company's admission that around 200 old games won't run properly on the PS3 may prove a blow. Some don't run at all, others work but without some audio functionality, according to Reuters. But plenty more will work just fine, so it's questionable just how much of a problem this is for Sony.

Indeed, how important is backwards compatibility at all? Hardcore console gamers tend to be happy having multiple machines spread around their TV.

Meanwhile, according to Japanese magazine publisher Enterbrain, Sony sold 88,400 PS3s on Saturday and Sunday - less than the 100,000 the manufacturer said it would ship in Japan for the launch but more than the 80,000 Japanese newspaper Nikkei Keizai Shimbun had claimed Sony would ship.

Either way, there's no doubt demand is there for the new console.

Enterbrain claimed around 62 per cent of PS3s purchased were the more expensive, 60GB model, and that Namco Bandai's Ridge Racer 7 and Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight topped the PS3 sales chart with sales of around 30,000 each.


It's just going worse and worse for Sony.
I like BC just as much as the next guy, but expecting every single game from a library of 7,000+ from the last 10 years is asking a bit much. 200 of those don't work? Who cares? Does anyone know what a small percentage that is? (I do. :cheese:)

This is just the press (once again) trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, esp. when it comes to Sony.
I like BC just as much as the next guy, but expecting every single game from a library of 7,000+ from the last 10 years is asking a bit much. 200 of those don't work? Who cares? Does anyone know what a small percentage that is? (I do. :cheese:)

This is just the press (once again) trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, esp. when it comes to Sony.

Last time I checked, all the PS1 games worked for the PS2, it's a smaller group of games, but they all still worked
ps2 outsold xbox360 last month isnt doing that bad
Last time I checked, all the PS1 games worked for the PS2, it's a smaller group of games, but they all still worked
Its a smaller group and its also now two generations of older hardware and one current generation batch. Its only going to get tougher for everyone. (See 360 BC for a glimpse of how it might go.)
The Sony bashing makes me laugh, it's inevitable they will come and take the reigns eventually after global release, it's that they do & how the Playstation name works. Despite any issues they have, I'm sure the PS3 will deliver something very impressive. All 3 consoles will.

The Japanese market is the largest console market, Sony is Japanese. I believe the 360 flopped there, they wanted some of the pie. Microsoft or Sony? The Japanese people are very loyal :) Everyone will come crawling back eventually, wait and see :P
ps2 outsold xbox360 last month isnt doing that bad
Heh, it's even worse than that.
In Japan the 360 is shifting around 5k* a month against the ps2's 80k, unsuprising perhaps given the location.
The story's not great in the US either, sales are much closer, but the 360 has not sold more than the ps2 in any given month since launch (up to July, which is the latest I have to hand).
The split seems to average at around 220k per month for ps2 and 180k for the 360 (roughly speaking though, not trying for 100% precision here).

As for the BC issues, the list I saw was mostly minor issues and the games that dont work at all were the ones that depend on the ps2 harddrive (just a couple I think). Its not perfect but definately a mountain out of a molehill.

* - (oops , wrong column, nevermind)
Agreed. As soon as the exclusive killer games come along, which they will, people will want a PS3.
This is hardly a big deal.
Indeed. Only 200 non-backwards compatible is barely a crippling blow. The PS2 probably fails to run a comparable amount of PS1 titles 100% properly.
My sis got to play a Ps3, she works at target. I expected a complete sellout although as Warbie said..once some cool games come out it'll sell like hotdogs at a baseball game.
So, not that well?
Oh yeah I forgot, no one goes to baseball games.

Before any insane baseball fan gets mad just a joke thats obviously wrong. If you still feel inclined to post, please read the Disclamer and then do as the quote says.
And they couldn't just emulate it because?
Emulation isn't perfect I mean look at the 360 for instance, it cannot play every Xbox game. The Ps3 can play a hell of a lot more Ps2 games than the 360 can play Xbox games.

However, I really don't care.. I wont own either and for all the 360 + Halo + a bunch of friends enjoyment I have my cousins house. Ps3 enjoyment...well maybe they'll get one...otherwise... Idk maybe a friend will get one.
Like Victim said earlier, ~200 odd games out of PS1 and PS2 game libraries is almost nothing. Besides, all the major releases will likely be covered, and if isn't then Sony will add in through patches (i.e. Ace Combat 5).