Sony: Consoles "Designed" to freeze


It's funny because I was in BestBuy the 22nd, their PS3 was frozen solid. I went again today, it was on the same screen.
What's funny is that some people believe this is true.

I haven't heard very many reports of the consoles locking up from home users (then again there aren't that many home users ... or units at all). But it does make sense that they would freeze up being confined in a tight metal box and run for hours on end.
I've seen loads of PS3's freeze in kiosks.

Who cares if it's confined in those boxes because so are the 360's (which are known for over-heating but are doing fine in kiosks) and the Wii.

Who knows what's causing those PS3's to freeze but it's giving them a horrible name... I mean who would want to purchase something that they've seen freeze at multiple locations? Most people will ignore the fact that it's confined in the box and judge it solely on what they see...

Also, I hope this Sony rep was somehow trying to divert the question and merely pulled the answer out of his ass instead of trying to be serious... I mean I tend to give bullshit answers to people at my work when I don't know the answer and I'm thinking that he was doing the same but sounded stupid in the process.
So people have seen ps3's freeze. I've seen dozens of errors on the 360, disk read errors and several replaced systems. Both are pretty advanced, both have problems.
"Except with the PS3, they're doing it on purpose!"

"But it-"

Funny how most high performance electronics freeze when they overheat. Who hasn't seen a dead xbox 360?

It's the inbuilt feature to tell you to stop playing so you don't throw you controller at the screen after failing level 100 of Mario for the 1000th time.
Hahaha, wow. Just wow.

On another note, every time I've walked into a local gamestore recently, their Xbox 360 kiosk is frozen up and an error message is displayed on the screen. I told the guy at the counter last time and he just laughed it off and said it was normal :P

On the other hand, I've had minimal problems with freezing on my console at home. So it's probably more of a kiosk thing coupled with the level of hardware and the level of activity it goes through. But then Microsoft never pulled anything like this now, did they? It might have been pretty bad starting out, but they eventually owned up and offered to reimburse all the faulty units.

I mean I tend to give bullshit answers to people at my work when I don't know the answer and I'm thinking that he was doing the same but sounded stupid in the process.
In the process of... being an idiot?

Note it also says it's what was told to the Best Buy employees aswell. So it's not just something he's pulled out of his ass that moment, he's been smearing his bullshit aaaaaaaall around the store and hoping that everyone just laps it up like the good little rimlickers Sony seem to think their fanbase are.
Awesome feature really. Who wants to be playing Motorstorm for that long? If only Blizzard thought of this feature for WoW on the PC. *restarts PC

I read jack squat about consoles, but reading this makes me realize what an epic failure the ps3 was D:
Releasing dope that doesn't work
EA = Sony?

......baykuns anyone?
Funny how most high performance electronics freeze when they overheat. Who hasn't seen a dead xbox 360?

It's the inbuilt feature to tell you to stop playing so you don't throw you controller at the screen after failing level 100 of Mario for the 1000th time.

I keep my Xbox 360 power cord in a well ventilated spot, with nothing cluttering it, and mine has never frozen up. Haha... suckers!
I keep my Xbox 360 power cord in a well ventilated spot, with nothing cluttering it, and mine has never frozen up. Haha... suckers!

how does that keep your 360 from overheating????? when they say its overheats then literally the console over heats......which can be caused by closed spaces or again clutter.
how does that keep your 360 from overheating????? when they say its overheats then literally the console over heats......which can be caused by closed spaces or again clutter.

Because a lot of times it's the power brick that overheats, so you need to make sure that not only the actual console, but also the power brick is in a well-ventilated area.
With the PS3 the power brick is internal, so it makes sense that there would be a trade-off (ie., the 360 performs better in tight spaces).

However, I just thought I'd throw it out there that the 360 had a much rockier launch tech-wise than the PS3. So far ... I have to say the Wii and PS3 have had some of the least buggy launches I've seen. There just haven't been that many problems. Of course Sony royally ****ed up the shipping schedule and completely missed the holiday shopping season, but from what I've heard the consoles themselves perform well.


So people have seen ps3's freeze. I've seen dozens of errors on the 360, disk read errors and several replaced systems. Both are pretty advanced, both have problems.

You're missing the point.

As for me, I've never had a any problems with my 360, so whatever.
I went to the official Sony show-room today in HK and didn't notice any of the 6 machines freeze (Gundamn blows chunks, Ridge Racer looks a bit shiny but oh-so-beautiful on HDMI screen... same with Resistance). Of course they would probably fix it immediately but I haven't noticed any PS3's freeze anytime I've encountered one.

Bit off topic but when's Motorstorm due to be released? I'll definately go back there again to try out the full version when it's out.

I took a look at the prices and holy shit, it's quite a bit cheaper here!

...I just did a quick Wikipedia check, and yeah... it costs $490 USD for Premium and $410 for Basic! Hell even Japan pays more than here, guess it's the best place to get a PS3 ;)
Wow. People will believe anything these days. "Ya we can set the PS3 to freeze up on purpose". Oh ya, well I can set my XBOX 360 to morph into a giant bunny and flash colours. I bet you would believe that too huh? Oh wait! I can also set my Wii to kick your mom in the face! OH SNAP! I sure believe that guy. That guy is never wrong because he was posted on the internet. It has to be true.

There is so much negativity going around with the PS3 that if someone told you that the PS3 spread viruses to your computer and non sony products, you'd probably believe them.

Oh ya and the PS3 also melts disks if you pause the game and leave them in there for 10 minutes.

I can also set the PS3 to fire laser beams into your eyes if you ever put a non sony product into the PS3.

I can also set my PS3 to launch every nuke in the world if you ever beat me in an online game.

Wow. People will believe anything these days. "Ya we can set the PS3 to freeze up on purpose". Oh ya, well I can set my XBOX 360 to morph into a giant bunny and flash colours. I bet you would believe that too huh? Oh wait! I can also set my Wii to kick your mom in the face! OH SNAP! I sure believe that guy. That guy is never wrong because he was posted on the internet. It has to be true.

There is so much negativity going around with the PS3 that if someone told you that the PS3 spread viruses to your computer and non sony products, you'd probably believe them.

Oh ya and the PS3 also melts disks if you pause the game and leave them in there for 10 minutes.

I can also set the PS3 to fire laser beams into your eyes if you ever put a non sony product into the PS3.

I can also set my PS3 to launch every nuke in the world if you ever beat me in an online game.

Yeah well so can I!!!!
I still want a PS3, I don't think the problems are as big as what the people are making them out to be...
I still want a PS3, I don't think the problems are as big as what the people are making them out to be...

I just spent a few hours playing my friend's PS3 and in the end I'm still glad I have my Xbox360.

In so many ways it felt like it was just taking what others did and just threw it into their system.

Motion sensor was totally bleh and the only use I saw for it was in Resistance where you have to shake it to stop being on fire. Maybe Lair or other games could do it better but right now its just a gimmick.

Then the wireless controllers are absolutely HORRIBLE compared to the Xbox360 ones. For the 360 I just hold the Xbox button for a second to turn them on and I never have to worry about it again. I never have to resync or do anything like that and I'm totally wireless until I have to recharge (unless you have the normal batteries). For the PS3 we had no idea on how it was sync'ing and what it was doing most times because it frequently just stopped working and we had to replug in the cable, hit the PS3 button to assign it a slot again and then wait for the entire thing to start over. We eventually gave up and just left the controllers wired.

Also the controllers are very very light which is sorta cool but I think they are actually too light... I think Sony should've kept the rumble which wouldve added some extra weight (and don't give me anything about how it screw up their motion sensing because if they are being serious then it's poor design by their engineers to not figure out a good solution).

The system is also touted as all Hi-Def and all this yet it comes with cables which output in 480i??? Come on Sony! I'm not exactly keen on buying the $100 HDMI cable on top of the $600 console I just purchased just so I can get the experience you've been promising me.

On the games side I only played Resistance which is decent. Multiplayer seems like a mess though because people are messing with all of the game rules and totally ruining it. For example I played in a match yesterday with unlimited ammo and unlimited grenades and everything was one hit kill (or at least low enough health where 99% of the time one bullet killed no matter where you shot them). Right now I prefer Gears naturally... The only thing which wow'ed me in Resistance were the cool weapons, namely the Hedgehog grenade... Why can't the rest of the game be as innovative as their weapons?!

Anyways, the PS3 is a decent console... I think it has too many poor design choices to really compete and right now the only thing keeping Sony going is the Playstation brand name (which at this point isn't as strong in a lot of people's minds cause the PS3 is pretty underwhelming) and that Sony can still throw out technological buzz words to try to wow the ignorant mainstream public... I mean you hear people talk about the Cell processor and the Blu-Ray disc and HDMI and all of this, but when asked to explain why those make it any better than say the Xbox360, they are stumped. I think once people start to realize that the names that Sony is throwing out are simply buzzwords, then goodbye PS3 and good luck to Sony if they want to do a PS4 cause they need to rework that entire company to fit to the 21st century because right now the company isn't doing so hot.

/carpal tunnel syndrome begins for me
I really don't care about design choices or features. It's the last thing on my mind. If I wanted that, I'd have had a Wii by now. I'm going for game selection....that's really about it.
I went to target yesterday to see if there were any new PC games, and as I went past their PS3 demo I saw it was frozen. :0! ITS ALL TRUE!
It sounds like a barrel of retarded monkey's is at the head of sony at the moment.
yeah well xbox360 are actually designed to screw up when you play them
this might be a bit of an extreme example but the same thing can happen if you nudge it or move it slightly.

Why would you move/nudge your 360 while playing it? Unless you put your 360 in the middle of the room and play all your game standing up and you have been known to have powerful leg spasms for no reason
Why would you move/nudge your 360 while playing it? Unless you put your 360 in the middle of the room and play all your game standing up and you have been known to have powerful leg spasms for no reason

Or if your little brother knocks it over. Or your pet. Or you pull the cord too hard.

Lots of ways for someone to knock over an upright console. Not a lot of ways to fix scratched disks. To be honest, they should have caught that.
Or if you know things like that are going to happen, don't be dumb and put the console horizontal. I agree that Microsoft should have tried to do something (or rather Samsung or Hitachi should have added something to their disc drives), but it's honestly a real easy fix.

Cyberpitz: If you're going for game selection, the PS3 is a fairly weak choice with only 4 original games out right now and the others are all multi-platform. The only potential game I would get a PS3 for would be MGS4 and that isn't coming out until later next year. Let's be honest that there have been so many rumors that it will be coming to Xbox360 that it wouldn't hurt to wait for another year to see if it will come over to the Xbox360. Sure Hideo Kojima can say all he wants on how he likes Metal Gear on Playstation hardware, but Ubisoft said the same about Assassin's Creed and everyone knows the story on that.

Also Cyber, a lot of what I said was merely pure flaws in what Sony is doing. It's like they took some of the things what Nintendo and Microsot are doing, and then took it back a few steps.

A good example is background downloading. Sony had over a YEAR to put background downloading and they saw how the public reacted to when Microsoft released. Is Sony so ignorant that they refused to put background downloading into the PS3? Trust me, it really does appear to be ignorance because it took Microsoft only a few months (after telling us that it would be coming which Sony has yet to do) to do it, and I'm 100% sure there is no technical reason why Sony could not do it. I mean come on, they had to know we would all start complaining since they say the exact same thing a year ago and they could have implemented it to avoid it. But know they are starting back where we were over a year ago.

I'll be honest, Sony still has a chance to make the PS3 number one again since it does have some potential behind it (btw, nobody give me crap on how you buy game consoles for their potential because that's just a defensive argument). It will take a rework of a lot of what Sony is doing behind the scenes. They just need to be more open with the consumers, let us know what they are doing and listen and let us know they are listening. This is why Microsoft is being so successful because they have Major Nelson along with a multitude of other people. However Sony insists on pulling the wool over our eyes and Sony would rather seem to be some disembodied company that is controlling our gaming experience and they expect us to blindly follow and believe them. I however will not give into that anymore and I'm sick of everything they've done.

If you can tell me that the strategy and approach Sony is doing right now is the correct one and that you like what they are doing, I would love to hear it.
Cyberpitz: If you're going for game selection, the PS3 is a fairly weak choice with only 4 original games out right now and the others are all multi-platform. The only potential game I would get a PS3 for would be MGS4 and that isn't coming out until later next year. Let's be honest that there have been so many rumors that it will be coming to Xbox360 that it wouldn't hurt to wait for another year to see if it will come over to the Xbox360. Sure Hideo Kojima can say all he wants on how he likes Metal Gear on Playstation hardware, but Ubisoft said the same about Assassin's Creed and everyone knows the story on that.

It is rather weak right now, but c'mon... it just barely launched, comparatively it's not as bleak as everyone makes it out to be though. I'd agree with the suggestion to wait, but PS3 has a lot more support than just MGS4. The Ico / Shadow of the Collusus team, Insomniac / Ratchet & Clank team, Naughty Dog, Square Enix, Kojima Productions, Sony Santa Monica (God of War...), Gran Turismo / MotorStorm, all the multi-platform games, etc etc.

MGS series has sold on other platforms, except they're always years late and badly ported (exception is Twin Snakes, they added great things but also royally messed up some parts.)
It is rather weak right now, but c'mon... it just barely launched, comparatively it's not as bleak as everyone makes it out to be though. I'd agree with the suggestion to wait, but PS3 has a lot more support than just MGS4. The Ico / Shadow of the Collusus team, Insomniac / Ratchet & Clank team, Naughty Dog, Square Enix, Kojima Productions, Sony Santa Monica (God of War...), Gran Turismo / MotorStorm, all the multi-platform games, etc etc.

MGS series has sold on other platforms, except they're always years late and badly ported (exception is Twin Snakes, they added great things but also royally messed up some parts.)

all those games sounds...err.. kinda lame.. now that GTA is available for x360 theres no poin getting ps3..+ the fact that ps3's specs sux
I tried out the PS3 at my local London Drugs the other day, and I can honestly say that I was more interested in the GUI than the games.
all those games sounds...err.. kinda lame.. now that GTA is available for x360 theres no poin getting ps3..+ the fact that ps3's specs sux

Except that they're not lame. I mean God of War, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, Jak 1-3, Ratchet and Clank, Getaway, Gran Turismo, Final Fantasy, Okami, Bully, Metal Gear Solid, and others are all wholly original to the PS line. Those were some of, if not the best games of the last generation and if you didn't own a PS2 you didn't get to play them. Those same development teams are making games for the PS3 and that alone is the only reason I'm choosing it over the other two.

The X-BOX has Bioware (and for me that's it) and Nintendo has ... Nintendo. To me the choice was clear.

I'm guessing you haven't played many or any of them. The thing is that even if you have and don't like them, you can't discount their appeal. From the very limited amount of time I spent with Gears of War I thought it was very average and about as non-special as a game could be bar the graphics, but I understand and respect that a lot of people love it.