sony fanboys in Gametrailers board literally going berserk

Dec 2, 2004
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So, GT gave GOTY awards. They gave Best FPS award to Halo 3, Uncharted was not even nominated for PS3 award, and Call of Duty 4 won the best PS3 award instead of Ratchet and Clank.

They are all over the GT forum like bunch of ants. Go there, grab some popcorn and enjoy their bitching show while it last.

watch their GOTY award trailers to see sony fanboy's bitching comments also.
To be honest, Gametrailers awards aren't very good. But I do enjoy their reviews. It's a shame they gave Halo 3 FPS of the year, especially after playing it. It's not bad, but I'll be damned if it's FPS of the year. At the very least COD4 utterly destroys it.
you are semi-correct. They didn't even bother nominate Crysis for the best graphic award just because they couldn't adjust the game for their system.

Now that's priceless.
They need to get better computers.
I was surprised at the amount of love Halo3 got, best 360 game(beating Bioshock, Mass Effect, Cod4 and Rock Band), best fps, best mp, hell Bungie even got the award for biggest surprise of the year with them parting company from Microsoft.

I'm guessing they will give it GOTY.
I used to post on the GT forums, only in the PC section, and that website has easily the stupidest user bases on the net. It's 50% PS3 and Xbox360 ******s yapping at one another over pointless, inane bullshit, 25% point spamming ******s who's only contribution to the site are comments like "ok" or "lol, :)" just so they can rack up GT money, and 25% everyone else who put priceless gems like this in their signatures.

"99% of all teens don' accept Christ, if your the 1% who does put this in your sig."

PS : Did I mention I hate GT and their slant browed user base?
If that thread was a horrible flame fest, then Ive seen much worse...that was an intellectual discussion in comparison to /v/
you are semi-correct. They didn't even bother nominate Crysis for the best graphic award just because they couldn't adjust the game for their system.

Now that's priceless.

Very much so, when it comes to awards like that it just shows how their conclusion is based so little in fact, and so much on opinion.
Although the fanboy arguing on GT isn't new I can see why they would be angry

Not nominating uncharted?
Halo 3 best FPS?
Not nominating crysis for best graphics? (seriously there is something wrong there)
I found it extremely funny when I was watching best FPS of the year. I said to myself "what are they going to do now, give the award to Halo 3?.....WTF?!?! AHAHAHAHA I can't believe they did that. Well there goes their credibility" That's exactly what I said too a couple of days ago. I have seen thread topics on teh side too. It looks like the Gamespot forum users went to GT.
*shiver* pobz's link made me feel sick. And I only read the first page.
Why is it that when you don't hate the PS3 you're officially a fanboy, and if you eat 360's for breakfast you're not a 360 fanboy?
Why is it that when you don't hate the PS3 you're officially a fanboy, and if you eat 360's for breakfast you're not a 360 fanboy?
People who eat 360's for breakfast don't barf it all over the internet.
Wow, I never liked those guys in the beginning, now they've lost all credibility with me. I think I'll stop going there forever.