Sony PS3 Video


Sep 18, 2003
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Now i've got your attention...

Sony will definately be unveiling the PS3 at E3 this year, and recently one of the top Sony officials said that a 2005 release was still very possible.

Interesting huh.

Oh yeah, the video. It's here.
its a dark sector trailer, is the recent 1 pobz do you know?
Is it just me or does the file download REALLY slowly? 6.25kb/s on a 2mb connection..
Tinneth said:
Is it just me or does the file download REALLY slowly? 6.25kb/s on a 2mb connection..
thats what im getting too, could anyone confirm if its the recent trailer as i dont want to download this for an hour.
I don't know if its recent or not, sorry.

I do however know that the PS3 will have a UMD drive (alongside a blu-ray or dvd-blue whatever drive), and that the Nintendo Revolution will have a DVD drive (so it can play DVDs ... wow, thats a real revolution... well done nintendo, thats a first)
lePobz said:
I don't know if its recent or not, sorry.

I do however know that the PS3 will have a UMD drive (alongside a blu-ray or dvd-blue whatever drive), and that the Nintendo Revolution will have a DVD drive (so it can play DVDs ... wow, thats a real revolution... well done nintendo, thats a first)
whats a umd drive? pardon my ignorance. a *insert word* media device?
jimbo118 said:
whats a umd drive? pardon my ignorance. a *insert word* media device?
UMD is the type of format that the PSP uses. Which means that PS3 will be able to (MAYBE) play the PSP games on it.
Shamrock said:
UMD is the type of format that the PSP uses. Which means that PS3 will be able to (MAYBE) play the PSP games on it.
oh ok thats what its for, bloody download is so slow,7kb/s half hour left :dozey: , better be worth it.
lePobz said:
so it can play DVDs ... wow, thats a real revolution... well done nintendo, thats a first
WTF was that for? Where did they say every single bit of the console, including the media format(s), were going to be revolutionary? It sounds like Nintendo must have raped you when you were a child... because you've definately got issues with them.
Well their choice of media for the N64 and GameCube were hardly the greatest decisions ever made. Besides, I think the revolution is overhyped - nintendo target kids - always have and always will.

It's funny how your first insult towards me involves child rape ... very mature of you, well done. [/sarcasm]

Grow the **** up.
lePobz said:
It's funny how your first insult towards me involves child rape
My first "insult" towards you wasn't an insult. It was a joke. I swear... I'm going to start labeling every bit of humour in my posts and explaining them so that people don't take them as hostility or insults.

You do have issues with Nintendo, but the rape part was intended as a comical exaggeration of the pain their past actions must have inflicted upon you to make you so irritated about their choice of using DVDs for their new console.

Also, if you've ever been to Japan you'd know that they generally prefer an artistic style that is cartoony and what we describe as "childish" in the west. So, saying they only make games to appeal to children could potentially be construed as an insult to their culture.

Anyway, if you can't get past the cartoony visuals you're missing some really fun gameplay. In fact, the gameplay of some of their titles is far beyond the capabilities of most children... contrary to what the visuals may suggest. I didn't like the idea of making the Legend of Zelda into a cel-shaded cartoony game but I loved the game itself because the gameplay was still there. If Nintendo didn't approve of a game being made for their console because it was too mature it wouldn't be made... and yet you get violent/gruesome/mature games being made for the GameCube... like Resident Evil 4, Eternal Darkness, Splinter Cell, Soul Calibur, True Crime, etc. Rare (formerly part of Nintendo) also made one of the most mature games for the N64... even though it had talking squirrels, flowers, bees, teddy bears, etc. The system isn't designed for kids... the first-party games just aren't designed by people that like the same graphical style as us. What's wrong with that?

lePobz said:
Grow the **** up.
Lighten the **** up.
Just because you're communicating on a forum, it doesn't mean you should argue with every post above you...
lePobz said:
Just because you're communicating on a forum, it doesn't mean you should argue with every post above you...
I'm bored. This is what I do when I'm bored. Get used to it.
OCybrManO said:
I'm bored. This is what I do when I'm bored. Get used to it.
Maybe so, but when most of the other users on these forums do the same, it gets pretty irritating to say the least.