Sony screw the Europeans - UK Pre-Orders Low


May 6, 2005
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Sony backward compatibility on the PS3 with older PS2/PSX games won't match US/Japanese levels:

The European model of the PlayStation 3, due to launch on March 23, will use different hardware specifications to the models already released in Japan on November 11, 2006, and the US on November 17, Sony announced in a statement today.

The European PS3s will be designed differently, meaning that a "new combination of hardware and software emulation" will only enable the new PS3s to be compatible with a "limited range" of PS2 titles, and a "broad range" of original PlayStation games.

A Sony spokesperson told Reuters that "the backwards compatibility is not going to be as good as the US and Japan models."


Meanwhile UK PS3 Pre-Orders are still available a week after availability confirmation.

This week saw Sony dish out its official allocations to retailers, and some, including and Amazon UK, are guaranteeing all their preorder customers a console on the launch day.

However, unlike the Wii or previous UK console launches including the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 2, the PlayStation 3 is still available to buy almost a week after being offered.


Screw Sony...?
I guess its a budget problem. I won't be getting one anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me.
I wouldn't intend on playing ps/ps2 games on a ps3 anyways. I'm more concerned with the price and short term launch lineup.
True, but that it will be limited compared to US just shows how little they care bout us
I wouldn't consider getting a PS3 anyway, I've heard some horror stories of them overheating and crashing shortly after purchase never to work again.
I wouldn't consider getting a PS3 anyway, I've heard some horror stories of them overheating and crashing shortly after purchase never to work again.

All consoles have their bad batches. The ps2 was poor in ths regard and the 360 isn't fairing any better. A few things put me off buying a ps3 at the mo, but this certainly isn't one of them. You've more chance your pc will balls up on you.
yeah but at least with a little knowledge you can fix your PC yourself.

I don't understand why Sony are doing this, it must be a cost cutting procedure. Unless they're actually being run by MS and Nintendo.
If you can afford a Ps3 now , you can spend another 100 for a ps2.
Still sucks for them.
...but no one saw this article?

Not like it matters really--buying systems at launch is usually a bad decision. Lack of quality games, high pricetags, and hardware issues make for a lousy purchase.
Or you could just buy a PS2 and a 360, seeing as so far nothing out on the PS3 seems worthwhile
There's like 15 versions of the PS2 isn't there? What's to say, a few months down the line, Sony won't come up with a new European version of the PS3 that does offer the range of backwards compatability the other regions currently get?
...but no one saw this article?

Not like it matters really--buying systems at launch is usually a bad decision. Lack of quality games, high pricetags, and hardware issues make for a lousy purchase.
I bought a PS2 on launch day and it works fine to this day with the original controller too and plays PS1 games fine.

I won't be touching the PS3 though. I don't get why they can't make a basic PS2 emulator work. Shows how incompetent some of their departments must be.
All consoles have their bad batches. The ps2 was poor in ths regard and the 360 isn't fairing any better. A few things put me off buying a ps3 at the mo, but this certainly isn't one of them. You've more chance your pc will balls up on you.

Trying to get a replacement console around the release-date would be an absolute nightmare (or maybe not if no one buys a PS3), irreguardless, those problems are not the primary issue (they are an issue, though) for why I'm not getting one, the price and the lack of decent games being the main reason obviously. I have however heard quite a few recorded instances of PS3's overheating with stock Sony cooling.
I bought a PS2 on launch day and it works fine to this day with the original controller too and plays PS1 games fine.
Me too, but just last year I had to send it back to Sony for all the damn Disc Read Errors I was getting when trying to play the blue discs or many various dvds. Lousy, but my new one works just fine.

Shows how tight-assed some of their departments must be.
Fixed. ;)
I'll be getting one sooner or later, right now I'm saving for a car, though.
That sucks about the backwards compatibility. In the US/Japan they actually have a built in version of the slimline PS2, which probably bumped development costs up a fair bit. They'll probably put it back in somewhere down the line though. Hopefully it's not as bad as the 360 backwards compatibility.

To all those people who say "just buy a PS2," it's nice to have everything in one console. When I got my PS2 I sold my PS1. Now that I have my PS3 I still have the PS2 but I haven't turned it on since I got it. It's a pretty big deal.
That sucks about the backwards compatibility. In the US/Japan they actually have a built in version of the slimline PS2, which probably bumped development costs up a fair bit. They'll probably put it back in somewhere down the line though. Hopefully it's not as bad as the 360 backwards compatibility.

To all those people who say "just buy a PS2," it's nice to have everything in one console. When I got my PS2 I sold my PS1. Now that I have my PS3 I still have the PS2 but I haven't turned it on since I got it. It's a pretty big deal.

It's one thing to complain about something, but when there is nothing you can personally do to alter it, why piss and moan. The only other alternative? Wait until they fix it later, or buy a PS2/PS1. Bitching is just won't do anything, and the sony bashers already see that, I'd hope.
Well that sucks for you guys. Ill iv been really playing is PS1 and PS2 games on my
I just find it amazing that Sony fans in Europe will pay a great deal more for an inferior product