Sony's Jack Tretton says he will give you $1200

Well, dont waste anymore time! Apparent that guy is rich as hell since he must know he is practically handing out a year's salary.
I didn't see any way to contact this guy though, and furthermore I think he might've just been talking to EGM, not people in general. But his claim still stands since obviously EGM can't check every store in the world that has PS3s.
Our Best Buy has had a full pyramid of PS3's for weeks... I want like $20,000
Fake a video with your ps3 boxes (to both of you who own one).
****, I can show him PS3s that have been at my local Best Buy for DAYS.
I have never seen an actual next Gen console. Ever.
Well...I thought Wales still had an agrarian economy. Do ya'll even have electronics stores?
Well...I thought Wales still had an agrarian economy. Do ya'll even have electronics stores?
Yeah but it's about 13 miles away from where I live. And cars haven't been invented here yet.
EDIT: And it only stocks black and white TVs.
Sony may just be playing out the PS2 before the ps3 really catches on. I mean by the time the PS2 has run its cycle, we'll get high with MGS4, which may or may not make a PS3 worthwhile.
Upon asking for money, one will probably learn there was some sort of stupid stipulation like you had to find it on Easter Island or something retarded.
"HA! I made you go look at the PS3, thus a very slight chance of you buying it!"
bumped this cuz this worth it
