Soo...what should I do with these bunnies?

Jul 1, 2003
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Ok...I'm writing this no more than 20 minutes after this has it still is an issue.

Saturday afternoon. My friend gets back from work (he works at the local golf course). I'm playing Burnout 3...I'm totally wrapped up in it...I only say, " was work?" and he replies with something along the lines of "Ok" or something...I don't know. Like 10 minutes later..."What the F*CK...we have bunnies in our apartment!?" This is enough to make me pause my race and goto the kitchen to see what is going on. There's a box on our counter with some sheets or something in them...and 2 of my roomates are holding tiny baby bunnies...

Apparently..this is what happened.

My friend was trimming some fairways at the course this morning and he sees a rabbit and a baby rabbit run off. The mother just bolts away...the baby rabbit only hops under a nearby tree. He gets off his mower...gets down on his hands and knees and reaches under the tree. He finds someting fluffy, he grabs it.

When he pulled his hand out, he had 2 tiny bunnies in his hand. So he did something I never would've thought...he puts them in his pouch pocket on his course jacket and continues to mow. 5 hours later...he comes back to the apartment with these bunnies.

He wants to keep them...but we say take them back to the course or to an animal shelter where they're properly trained and ready to take care of these little guys.

Of of my roomates has already named them...George and Steven...and they're scared out of their minds. They don't even move. Brian (the roomate that works at the course) is watching TV with George just chilling on his stomache... He's already getting attached to them.

Also: We tried feeding them tortillas (my roomate says he fed bunnies by his house tortillas all the time) and carrots...but they don't eat them.
thats generally because rabbits dont prefer dunno y.

anyways, rabbit food and lettuce is best for them, in terms of their favourite food and roughage.

they'll get used to the apartment soon, thats y they're so scared atm, they're not comfortable yet. just make sure they have loads of space to run freely in, ie dont just throw them in the closet and expect them to be fine.
Pureball said:
thats generally because rabbits dont prefer dunno y.

anyways, rabbit food and lettuce is best for them, in terms of their favourite food and roughage.

they'll get used to the apartment soon, thats y they're so scared atm, they're not comfortable yet. just make sure they have loads of space to run freely in, ie dont just throw them in the closet and expect them to be fine.

They're not moving at all. They're scared out of their minds. Even when you pet them. These things are so tiny...both of them fit in an open hand...
Christ, don't feed em lettuce, gives them a bad stomach.

Any idea how old they are? They may still need milk.

Oh, and let them sniff you first, then pet them and hold them close, make them feel warm :)

I've looked after a baby wild rabbit before :D

Make sure you don't release them into the wild, their fellow rabbits will kill them as they smell of human now :|
Aww.. Tiny rabbits are so cwuute. :)

I'd recommend following ComradeBadger's advices.
Aww... fluffy wuffy snuffy... cuddly... nice

Bunnies are cute :eek:
Dalamari said:
We need pics damnit!

hear, hear :cheers:

(make sure the flash is off or they'll freaking flip out)

and new borns generally don't move very much... they prolly miss their mommy too.... and why did your friend pick them up in the first place? their mom is prolly worried sick now and will die cause your friend picked up her babies :thumbs:
They're probably more freaked out because of being in a pocket for five hours than the apartment... it's like a second birth! :eek:
Lettuce works best, mine used to eat anything though, like jelly sweets, buscuits, toes.
ComradeBadger said:
Christ, don't feed em lettuce, gives them a bad stomach.

Any idea how old they are? They may still need milk.

Oh, and let them sniff you first, then pet them and hold them close, make them feel warm :)

I've looked after a baby wild rabbit before :D

Make sure you don't release them into the wild, their fellow rabbits will kill them as they smell of human now :|
if not lettuce, what the crap do they eat?
Also, use something like a fleece to wrap them in, if they're close to newborns... then it's a good idea to keep them warm, very warm, but not too hot. Do that and make them feel comfortable. They most likely haven't been weaned yet :|

I'll look into it if you like, but I recall warm milk with a little sugar being the best thing. I've never weaned a bunny though :|
AmishSlayer said:
Ok...I'm writing this no more than 20 minutes after this has it still is an issue.

Saturday afternoon. My friend gets back from work (he works at the local golf course). I'm playing Burnout 3...I'm totally wrapped up in it...I only say, " was work?" and he replies with something along the lines of "Ok" or something...I don't know. Like 10 minutes later..."What the F*CK...we have bunnies in our apartment!?" This is enough to make me pause my race and goto the kitchen to see what is going on. There's a box on our counter with some sheets or something in them...and 2 of my roomates are holding tiny baby bunnies...

Apparently..this is what happened.

My friend was trimming some fairways at the course this morning and he sees a rabbit and a baby rabbit run off. The mother just bolts away...the baby rabbit only hops under a nearby tree. He gets off his mower...gets down on his hands and knees and reaches under the tree. He finds someting fluffy, he grabs it.

When he pulled his hand out, he had 2 tiny bunnies in his hand. So he did something I never would've thought...he puts them in his pouch pocket on his course jacket and continues to mow. 5 hours later...he comes back to the apartment with these bunnies.

He wants to keep them...but we say take them back to the course or to an animal shelter where they're properly trained and ready to take care of these little guys.

Of of my roomates has already named them...George and Steven...and they're scared out of their minds. They don't even move. Brian (the roomate that works at the course) is watching TV with George just chilling on his stomache... He's already getting attached to them.

Also: We tried feeding them tortillas (my roomate says he fed bunnies by his house tortillas all the time) and carrots...but they don't eat them.

I say cook the rabbits and eat them before he gets too attached.

Or than again sell them off to the chinese market.

Fried bunnies anyone?
Shadowlands5325 said:
I say cook him and eat him before he gets too attached.

Or than again sell them off to the chinese market.

Fried bunnies anyone?
.... :|
thehunter1320 said:

There actually pretty good. I been to different countries before and I say what the hell and ate one taste like chicken. You see I like to have a open mind about everything.
Shadowlands5325 said:
I say cook the rabbits and eat them before he gets too attached.

Or than again sell them off to the chinese market.

Fried bunnies anyone?

We've already made our share of jokes about stuff like that. The grill was still on from us making cheddar friend has a 3-man slingshot...etc.

We were going to release them into the wild...but ComradeBadger brings up a good point. I think we'll take them to a local animal shelter or something. They're chillin' in a small box turned sideways on the floor (so they can get out if they like. The box has some sheets in it..and they're just sitting side by side in it facing out.

I'd get pics but nobody here has a digital camera.
AmishSlayer said:
We've already made our share of jokes about stuff like that. The grill was still on from us making cheddar friend has a 3-man slingshot...etc.

We were going to release them into the wild...but ComradeBadger brings up a good point. I think we'll take them to a local animal shelter or something. They're chillin' in a small box turned sideways on the floor (so they can get out if they like. The box has some sheets in it..and they're just sitting side by side in it facing out.

I'd get pics but nobody here has a digital camera.

I still say eat them. Why give them to a animal shelter where they mistreat them and than get a 6 year old little girl hugging them to death and let them die. I say eat them now before the bunny goes into agony.
omg u sicko...

anyway, i'd say taking them to rspca or something, as they would know what they're doing.
Pureball said:
omg u sicko...

anyway, i'd say taking them to rspca or something, as they would know what they're doing.


Screw P.E.T.A. eat animals.
Someone wants to be just like Maddox. How original.

I've eaten rabbit, it's a nice meat. But I'd never eat an animal I'd actually seen.. dunno, I'm attached to them in some way.

Anyway, yeah, if you don't want to take care of them yourselves, give them to an animal shelter.

And not all rabbits get hugged to death. Most (of my rabbit's breed) live 6 years. She's 8 years old, and still fitter than most other rabbits half her age.

She's great :) housetrained too, so she scampers about the house :D
Rabbits rock. We had a dwarf bunny named Peewee... because that basically the first thing he did when I took him out of his little petshop box... all down the front of my shirt...
ComradeBadger said:
Someone wants to be just like Maddox. How original.

I've eaten rabbit, it's a nice meat. But I'd never eat an animal I'd actually seen.. dunno, I'm attached to them in some way.

Anyway, yeah, if you don't want to take care of them yourselves, give them to an animal shelter.

And not all rabbits get hugged to death. Most (of my rabbit's breed) live 6 years. She's 8 years old, and still fitter than most other rabbits half her age.

She's great :) housetrained too, so she scampers about the house :D

Maddox no no no... Damn that guy. I believe that guy is an idiot and my god he is ugly too. I just have a huge ego. Your actually the first person who said that to me. Maddox bah. I actually visited who site once and reading through it his ignorance piss me off. But yeah I did have somethings I agree with. And that nerd needs to beat up.
Heh. My Netherland Dwarf took a chunk outta my finger.. was my first bunny ;(
ComradeBadger said:
Heh. My Netherland Dwarf took a chunk outta my finger.. was my first bunny ;(
;( ;( Cry with irony my friend.
What an odd thread.

I'd either bring them to some organisation or follow badger's advice, he seems to a keeper of bunnies.
There is a big difference between wild and tame bunnies. I'd suggest at least calling animal control or a vet or something and asking them for advice. I'm afraid if you keep them as pets there is a good chance they will die.
I know what you should do. Tell you friend to collect all the bunnies in the golf course make them breed and sell it to a chinese supermaket.

Think about it $$$$ money evolved.
I think you should eat them, or dress them up as fine gentlemen (complete with monocle and cane) and make them walk the town in style.
nw909 said:
I think you should eat them, or dress them up as fine gentlemen (complete with monocle and cane) and make them walk the town in style.

Excellent Idea. Than eat them.
Well i am shocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With a thread like this how can anyone justify posting in it with at least one of these: :imu:
CB | Para said:
Do you have a scanner? you could scan them... :LOL:

We don't have regular camera's friend's camera broke the other day.

nw909 said:
I think you should eat them, or dress them up as fine gentlemen (complete with monocle and cane) and make them walk the town in style.

Excellent idea. That would be funny as hell :D

My friends are sleeping...but after that we're taking them to some kind of animal shelter.
AmishSlayer said:
We don't have regular camera's friend's camera broke the other day.

I meant scan the bunnies! It was a joke obviously ;)
You should feed them with gruel since they're so small. Gruel and warm/lukewarm milk.

EDIT: Feed them with baby bottles or whatever they're called, I hope you know what I mean.
uhmm! how cute . . 2 bad for their mom thou, someone stole her kids !