Sorry, Stern and Mech, but....

Well that's the last thing those crazy canadians want/need,
Now who would really pick up and leave because of a unfavorable election? It's a lot of work to move.
Although it would possibly be good for the economy, and just to have new good people around, I'm not exactly crying over here.

Catch me if I'm wrong, but aren't you effectively bragging that your country isn't yet bad enough for a mass exodus? :p

I'll be owned or whatever once fellow canadians start, en masse, making good on that whole "huddled masses" invitation you've got over there.

"16,266 applications from people seeking to live in Canada, a figure that fell to 14,666 for the half year after the vote"
Not too big a difference there anyways. :LOL:

I'm surprised I was chosen with the distinct honour of being "liberal target". I'm not really that liberal, plus I only rarely post here anymore.
<el Chi looks at election date>
<el Chi looks at story>
<el Chi looks at calendar, then counts on fingers>
Nine months...

Reuters - Taking the "New" out of "News"
Sorry, Mech, but you were the only other Canadian I could think of. I thought it was funny given the amount of whining thaty went on after the election, and comments made by Canadians on this board to the effect of, "C'mon in!!"
Toby Condliffe, who heads the Canadian chapter of Democrats Abroad, did have an explanation of sorts.

"I can only assume the Americans who checked out the Web site subsequently checked out our winter temperatures and further took note that the National Hockey League was being locked out and had second thoughts," he told Reuters.


Makes sense.

You'd need to become a hockey fan and deal with the temperatures to survive in Canada. Winter does last 6 months up here. :E
A True Canadian said:
You'd need to become a hockey fan and deal with the temperatures to survive in Canada. Winter does last 6 months up here. :E
That’s what Vancouver is for.;)
I don't think they're sorry that some yanks won't turn up.
Yes..Winter does last 6 months up here...but bugs in winter time :D.

And it's not as smoggy..except in Toronto. It's kinda funny that the US has over 200 Million people, and here in Canada, we somewhere in the range of 32 Million, and all this land!
The_Monkey said:
I don't think they're sorry that some yanks won't turn up.
I laugh whenever I hear this meant for all Americans because here at home, Yank is a term for a northerner (North-East specifically, New England) Doesn't have anything to do with political lines, either.

For instance hmm.. let's say.. tr0n, if you called him a yank I bet he wouldn't be too appreciative. Haha
RakuraiTenjin said:
I laugh whenever I hear this meant for all Americans because here at home, Yank is a term for a northerner (North-East specifically, New England) Doesn't have anything to do with political lines, either.

For instance hmm.. let's say.. tr0n, if you called him a yank I bet he wouldn't be too appreciative. Haha
Yes, I know, I know. This describes it really well:
To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

Oh, and I've called Tr0n a yankee many times. :p
satch919 said:
Now who would really pick up and leave because of a unfavorable election? It's a lot of work to move.

I would. It just seems that the sterotype of Americans being lazy and apathic are true afterall.
RakuraiTenjin said:
For instance hmm.. let's say.. tr0n, if you called him a yank I bet he wouldn't be too appreciative. Haha
Who cares what he thinks!? He's a redneck AND a stoopid Yank.
You guys dont know what your talking about. Us New Englanders hate the Yankees more than anything (save a few people in Western Connecticut)
The_Monkey said:
Yes, I know, I know. This describes it really well:
To foreigners, a Yankee is an American.
To Americans, a Yankee is an Easterner.
To Easterners, a Yankee is a New Englander.
To New Englanders, a Yankee is a Vermonter.
And in Vermont, a Yankee is somebody who eats pie for breakfast.

Oh, and I've called Tr0n a yankee many times. :p
Partially wrong: A yankee is a person from/born north of the mason-dixion line.
el Chi said:
Who cares what he thinks!? He's a redneck AND a stoopid Yank.