Sorry to ask this but i just need ti know


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
will a geforce 4 ti 4400 run hl2 pretty good?

my cpu is p4 3.0ghz , but i am just worried about my video card is a gf4 ti 4400 good enough? thanX
It should be fine, may not be the best but it'll be ok. If you can i'd recommend updating to a Radeon 9800 Pro.
My roomate has an AMD 3000+ and a 4200. It ran pretty good at 1024 with most at high, but he didn't get some of the cool shader effects. It won't be the BEST, but it will certainly be acceptable.
It'll run plenty fast enough to be playable in MP and SP, but if you're into super-fine details and stuff, you may consider dropping $300 on a 9800 Pro. If you're happy with the look you have now, run with it.
With a 3 GHz system your video card is really screwing it up. You still have a lot of time until HL2 is released so you should save up around $200 and get a 9800 Pro (they will probably go down in price as soon as HL2 is released).
I would get a 9800 pro if you can, but the 4400 will run HL2 pretty well, but it won't have dx9 effects.