sort of dissapointed on the completion time of hl2:/


Jan 17, 2004
Reaction score
According to the reviewer from pc gamer who reviewed hl2, it took him about 17 hours to finish the game. That's really dissapointing because of valve's statement of 36-40 hours of gameplay. I never honestly thought the game could be that long but 17 hours is kind of a let down. I was shooting for about 22-25 or so of actual gameplay the first time through.

I mean, that's just about the length of doom3!
well I think PC gamer reviewers play it as fast as they can

I always take at least twice the time to finish the game ... FarCry took my 28 hours to complete! .... many reviews said they finished it 15-20 hours so I have no doubt in my mind that with half life 2 being even more explorer oriented, it'll take me at least 30 hours or more
well, let's take this into context. someone who makes a living playing pc games and reviewing them is probably uber good at them. im sure a whole lot of other people are too tho, but for me, it took me like 35 hrs. to beat hl1 on hardest, when reviews said it took like 15 hrs. to beat. so u never know how good this person is at games and how much they played hl1 and mp's in anticipation of reviewing hl2
Seriously, people need to quit bitching until they have the game.
I bet the PC Gamer reviewers just go straight through the game. HL2 is going to have more open ended things in it. Just explore every building you can go into. That's going to add time to how long it will take you to beat the game.
It's difficult to pick a number and say, "This game will take this long to beat." There are too many factors that come into play. Take Knights of the Old Republic as an example. Some people beat it in 20 hours. Others, like me, took just over 40. Still there were others that took close to 60. It all depends on how you played.

I'm sure Half-Life 2 will be the same way. I'm one of those gamers that doesn't like to miss anything the first time through so I spend my time trying to see and do as much as possible, so I'm guessing I could probably squeeze another 5 to 15 hours more out of the game than the reviewers.
Sai said:
According to the reviewer from pc gamer who reviewed hl2, it took him about 17 hours to finish the game. That's really dissapointing because of valve's statement of 36-40 hours of gameplay. I never honestly thought the game could be that long but 17 hours is kind of a let down. I was shooting for about 22-25 or so of actual gameplay the first time through.

I mean, that's just about the length of doom3!

Look, Doom 3 got 90% in PCG UK and HL2 got 96%. Anything that orgasmic cannot last forever. :afro:
Well, in the review it states that there are countless abandoned buildings to explore while travelling through the game, and chances are that there will not only be items to discover, but a few skirmishes to take part in aswell. While they say halflife is a very linear storyline game, i remember reading that there are a couple of ways to do/solve each part of the game.While doom3 was a completely linear game where you can go only this way and THATS IT! Plus these Magazine reviewers probably race through the game. I have no doubt that i will be playing through hl2 for the first time for at least 30 hours.(Doom 3 was still a pretty long game for being completely linear)
The developers always overstate the completion times. The guys who made fable said it would take 50 hours to complete. They act like people wander the towns for 3 hours each.
Ah well, it was said it would take about 20-25 to complete HL, took me at least 30-35. I'm not worrying.

And I'd rather have a short but powerful game than a long repetitive one. Although a combination would be nice of course :)
Mountain Man said:
Take Knights of the Old Republic as an example. Some people beat it in 20 hours. Others, like me, took just over 40. Still there were others that took close to 60.

I have a friend who spent 55 hours on it and still isn't done..... there is so much to do in KOTOR .... it is one of my top 10 favorite games ever
Yeah - I reckon reviewers would probably just play through the game fairly quickly - like - you're bound to have seen the video with the crane and industrial magnetic lifting device - and all those containers. I plan on spending at least an hour or two in the cab of the crane alone - seeing how far you can fling a container - or see if you can smash it up through the cab - or see if you can swing it around loads and break the arm of the crane off. Stuff like that'll be good.
don't listen to the reviewers and let your dreams be dashed. Wait for the release, play it, and count the time. SHEE yea
Geez. Reviewers don't have time to spend weeks on one game, they just mash through them since it's their job.
As some people have undoubtedly said earlier in this topic, reviewers have to blaze their way through a game in order to keep within their schedules. They don't have the luxury of time like we do when their editor wants a review in a couple of days.
As some people have undoubtedly said earlier in this topic, reviewers have to blaze their way through a game in order to keep within their schedules.


the game is simply -20 hours long.
Also didnt they review some of it at valve? They probably didnt get that long there with the number of reviews coming out. But it doesnt matter at the moment as it isnt even out. ( and tis gonna be great)
I think 20 hours or so is a fine length for an FPS; I'm just stumped as to how it could vary so much from Gabe's earlier estimations. Of course reviewers tend to speed-play, but still... we'll have to see...
Only you control how long it takes to beat the game ;D
Well, however long COD is, thats the ideal length. That game took me a good couple of weeks to complete :)
She said:

the game is simply -20 hours long.
Probably. I can't see the game being too much longer really..
Does it really need to be?

I'm looking forward to the mods and sdk about as much as I am the single player experience.
I thought Doom 3 was actually pretty long. How long was it "supposed" be? How long a game is all depends on the person playing. Some people can shoot through a game in a day, where others (me) take their time and may take a week. I know people who sit down and beat a game a few hours after getting home with it, I couldn't do that.
It took me 4 days of 5 hour sessions to beat Doom3. This was ideal for me at least, since the replayability is always in the multiplayer aspect of any game.
Viperx14 said:
I thought Doom 3 was actually pretty long. How long was it "supposed" be? How long a game is all depends on the person playing. Some people can shoot through a game in a day, where others (me) take their time and may take a week. I know people who sit down and beat a game a few hours after getting home with it, I couldn't do that.
me neither...i generally play very long...took me 2 weeks to complete Max Payne 2...
Im not even finished with doom yet...
hm...embarassing, i know...
Depends what settings u play it on lol , reveiwers like PC Game put it on easy setting to get it over quikly so they have a good range of things to talk/write about.