sound buzzy/bug - a7n8x-dx


Aug 23, 2003
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okay... so i have the Asus A7N8X-DX, uve probably all heard of that motherboard, its great!, but the fact is, my sound bugs out, and gets buzzy sometimes, when playing games for awhile, especially games that have a ton of objects sending out sounds at once, - Natural-Selection is the main one..
the problem is, it slowly gets buzzy, and it wont stop until i quit out, then come back.
when i check my southbridge, its pretty hot, so either im going to buy and Audigy 2 Platinium card, or somehow im going to find a good heatsink for the southbridge, id love to just find a heatsink..
- if someone has a good heatsink that would work, id glady buy it from them, or if u can direct me to a good place to buy a heatsink for it directly..
It could be your speakers, but most likely not. Have you downloaded the latest drivers? If not, do so. You don't need a heatsink for the south bridge, if you did then they'd include one.
I get the same buzzing - usually happens when i'm on voice comms ......... but occasionally when watching a movie. It sux :/
latest drivers, i use a headset and 2.1 speakers, both will produce problem, and problem accured with old drivers
I get the same problem in NS, but im not using the onboard sound, im using Plantronics DSP-500's
When I turn my plantronics 90's up to max volume I can hear a buzz when I move my mouse... damned if I can figure out how to fix it.
maybe nvidia will stop working on crappy new FX cards, and PCI cards, and make a better driver for the nforce2, its all i ask for!!!
im about to go buy new a headset, one thats a digital/usb model, if that doesnt help, im going to get a new audio card!, which i rather not..
Ok make sure that you're feeding the direct route of sound from your computer. i.e. out of the soundcard jack and into the headphones. Mine buzzes like hell when I pipe it through my speakers, but when I split it from my motherboard (one line from onboard sound to the speakers, one line from 2nd soundjack on mobo to headphones) I get crisp sound. Also you may want to spring for some nice headphones -assuming yours are generic or cheap- I used to have some crap things, and not being sensitive to sound I thought they were fine, but the clarity and bass you get from the upper level plantronics sets is worth the cash, even if your current headset is not the problem.
okay ,headset isnt crap, but it isnt that good.. but it is directly connected into my motherboard, speakers dont have a port to plug headset in :/
so, yeah..
You may have it plugged into the wrong port. Make sure it's in the green one (I'm pretty sure that's the color on the A7N8X.) It's the middle one if I recall correctly.
Well, most of the time it's the one either on the top or on the left, but on these it's in the middle.
there is no way im going to get sound produced in a headset THROUGH anything BUT the green one....