sound (footsteps) problem ! pls help



hi when playing cs:s i only sometimes here the footsteps of other players so its very hard to locate them. and i dont hear them when they are more fare away like i did in 1.6 .

in 1.6 i heard the footsteps of enemys everywhere and could loacate them.

so i wanted to know if u have some tweaks ( config commands) to hear the footsteps better or disable the sound of the own footsteps.

my soundcard and headphones work good its on cs:S side .
Upgrade to 5.1 that's only "tweak" there is I guess, but if you listen closely it's still as easy as in 1.6 to hear players, you just need to get used to the different sounds.
in Source they reduced the volume of foot step - and good they did, its much more realistic now...