Sound Smileys Add= Scared me to hell


Nov 1, 2004
Reaction score
You know this new Sound Smileys? Covering up every site and when you drag your mouse over it some of the smileys say something?

Well, i accidentily put my mouse over the one on this forum, and i hear this voice saying "hellooooo" and im like " :0 DUBBELYOUTEEF!!!111"

I was so scared, i didnt know where it came from, im alone in here! And someone just said "HELLOOO", it didnt sound like it came from the speakers!

After a few minutes of terrifying heart beating, i discovered what it was!

Same thing happend on another site, but it said " SAY SOMETHING!!!"
Once again i was like "Dubbelyouteef...who are you?!?!"

Lol, its an extension of "WTF", you know, if you pronounce "WTF" in words:

Dubbel-You-Te-Ef ( W-T-F )

Instead of saying the real words.
ZeeM said:
wtf is dubbelyouteef

LOL, that was a good one.

*edited* Oh and I hate the smileys very much. Got me into trouble at work.
ZeeM said:
wtf is dubbelyouteef


All the adverts on this site are shit and annoying, they get in the way of the search thing.
wtf is dubbelyouteef
lol @ pun/unintended irony

and yes these talking smilies are a plague :flame:
Ravioli said:
Lol, its an extension of "WTF", you know, if you pronounce "WTF" in words:

Dubbel-You-Te-Ef ( W-T-F )

Instead of saying the real words.

i assume you don't read
Yeah, that ad is practically all over the internet. Who the **** wants smileys like that anyway?
vegeta897 said:
Yeah, that ad is practically all over the internet. Who the **** wants smileys like that anyway?

My mom almost clicked one of those. And she doesn't use anything but Gmail. "Those look funny, clicky clicky!" Even worse are the ads that appear as system messages saying "fatal error, click here to fix", or "you're our 100,000th visitor, click for prize".
"check you compy for viruses now !!"

hmm ok, clicky

"fatal error, compy shut down now, muaha"

I have no pity for people who click those things. Keeps the technologically illiterate off the inter-nets. Digital Darwinism, I say!
Indeed, These ****ing talking smilies are a plague.
First time I got one, it scared the living shit out of me.

Now it's just incredibly annoying.
i am teh interwebz rober baron, PAYZ ME WIT YOUZ BANDWIDTH muahaha
I hate those things. Especially the ones that have constant audio that you can't shut off, like the Brad Pit one with all the cameras going off.
Qonfused said:
I hate those things. Especially the ones that have constant audio that you can't shut off, like the Brad Pit one with all the cameras going off.

First time I saw it I remember the constant flashy flashy noise and it said "Shoot the press and win a prize!". But I thought "**** this, I'm just gonna shoot him so he'll shut the **** up!". Boom Headshot! About 6 seconds later, the ****er started off again!:(