Source Engine Powered Zeno Clash Announced

Looks alright, I guess. Still, it's a shame that Source has already been out-classed by Unreal Engine 3 and such.
Pff, I'm sure Valve will keep up with them in terms of features. At least they don't have to design a new engine every so years :p
It does, however, look like an interesting game.

If Valve makes a editing suite as easy to use as CryEngine2, then I would be sold.

That reminds me, any news on They Hunger?
Source seriously needs real-time dynamic lightning. All looked niced untill I noticed the shadows just suck ass or are completely absent. If some sutdents can add em to Quake 1 engine I`m sure Valve can mix something up.
Source seriously needs real-time dynamic lightning. All looked niced untill I noticed the shadows just suck ass or are completely absent. If some sutdents can add em to Quake 1 engine I`m sure Valve can mix something up.
I thought dynamic lighting was being added in with the orange box.
1) Everything looks plastic.
2) Everything looks spit-shined.
3) The fog doesn't match the skybox.

Horrible. :(
I thought dynamic lighting was being added in with the orange box.

You are correct it is coming with the OB.

With respect to some of the other posts I'd agree that in terms sheer number crunching graphical madness there are better engines out there than Source, and yes the hammer editor is behind the times (I've bitched about this as well), but so far none of the other engines are able to hold a candle to Source when it comes to the facial tech/lipsynching etc, or the ability to instill a real sense of character into the NPCs. It's a pity more RPG games companies haven't licensed the engine, because it's the ideal medium for that sort of thing. VTM:B was really well done when it came to the characters, even the minor ones.