Source SDK docs mirror now up


Apr 28, 2004
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Source SDK documentation fast mirror now up

I have set up a mirror for the source SDK here.

I am aware that it is copywrited info, but it is very difficult to access the correct site due to number of users trying to get onto it. I will remove it in a few days when access returns to normal.

Not sure if this is outside the forum rules, but if so, I appologise, but as I say it will only be up for the very short term.
2 bad there was no water texture included with the sdk :P you need to go extract it from the gcf (if its in there) or just use the water from the... well you know.
Can somebody please help me out.. I'm pretty sure I've done exactly what the docs say, but Hammer complains about not having any textures when I try to press file>new...

I haven't seen anything about the materials tab in the docs...
help please..

Edit: Oops, I seem to have sorted it out...
Under "Sample Materials" appropriately enough... :laugh: