Source SDK Updated


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
The Source SDK has just been updated, you know the drill by now, restart Steam for the updates to be automatically applied. There are some new features, bug fixes and some know issues.[br]
Enhancements[br]* Added a drop-down list in the SDK Launcher that allows the user to switch between The Orange Box engine and the Half-Life 2: Episode One engine[br]* Two new lighting preview modes are available in Hammer[br]* Models are automatically centered when loaded in Faceposer
The full list of changes can be found here.
I've had alot of problems with the SDK on my new computer regarding some shaderblabla9.dll that crashes once launching Faceposer and Modelviewer, but I somehow got it to work afterall.
When the update came, the same problem came back and I dont know what to do.
They pretty much took the beta SDK and made it non-beta. They haven't apparently fixed anything since the last update.
It's the exact same as the beta. :|
Has there ever been an SDK release without a borked Faceposer ? Grr.
Yeah, I'd also like to see some screenshots of the lighting previews.
Unfortunately, it seems those previews are available only in Ep2 mode :(
boo for particle editor not being there