South Korea's "National Security Law"


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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Note: I know that I posted this in politics, but I thought it fit better in off-topic. So, do whatever you want with the one in politics. :p

Chapter 1: Preamble​
Article 1: Objectives
1) This Law is to suppress anti-State acts that endanger national security and to ensure nation's security, people's life and freedom.

2) Interpretation and application of this Law shall be limited to the least measures required to achieve the objectives of (1) above and any expanded interpretation of this Law or infringement of the basis citizens' rights guaranteed by the Constitution shall not be permitted.

Article 2: Definitions
1) The term "anti-State groups" refers domestic or foreign organizations or groups whose intentions are to conduct or assist infiltration of the Government or to cause national disturbances. (Revised 91.5.31)

2) Invalidated?(91.5.31)

Chapter 2. Crimes and Punishments​
Article 3: Forming anti-State groups
1) Those who organize, or join, an anti-State group shall be punished as follows:

#1 Death for the chief instigators or organizers.
#2 Death or Life Imprisonment for leadership cadres.
#3 Minimum 2 years in prison for lesser members.​

2) Minimum 2 years in prison for those who encourage others to join an anti-State group.

3) Those who violate [1] and [2] shall be punished.
4) Minimum 2 years for those who plan or contemplate a [1.1] or [1.2] crime.
5) Maximum 10 years in prison for those who plan or contemplate [1.3]. (Revised 91.5.31)

Article 4: Commission of anti-state acts
1) Members of an anti-State group or those who are under the influence of an anti-State organization who commit an anti-State act shall be punished as follows: (Revised 91.5.31)

#1 Those who commit an act as defined by the Criminal Codes articles [92], [97], [99], [250.2], [338] or [340.2] shall be punished as set forth in the Codes.

#2 Those who commit an act as defined by the Criminal Codes article [98] or who access, gather, leak, transmit or compromise a national security secret shall be punished as follows:

#3 Death or life imprisonment if it involves a military secret or information which is critical to national security and restricted to government authorities.

#4 Death, life or minimum 7 years in prison if it involves other military or national security secret.

#5 Death, life or minimum 10 years for violating Criminal Codes [115], [119.1], [147], [148]. [164] or [169]. [177.1] or [180]. [192] or [195]. [207], [208], [210], [250.1], [252], [253], [333] or [337], [339] or [340.1, 2]

#6 Death, life or minimum 5 years in prison for destruction of public or government buildings or other structures essential for transportation, communication; abduction or seduction of officials; or theft or removal of ships, airplanes, automobiles, weap ons or other materials - related to the fore-mentioned functions.​

2) Minimum 3 years in prison for acts defined in the Criminal Codes [214] or [217], [257] or [259] or [262]; or theft, removal, counterfeit, alteration of state secret documents or materials.

3) Minimum 2 years in prison for promoting or propagating acts defined in [1] or [5] or for creating or spreading false rumors aimed at causing social turmoil.

Article 5: Willful help or provision of money and materials
1) Those who on their own will aid anti-state groups or members or those who are under their control and commit acts as defined in [4.1] shall be punished as set forth in [4.1].

2) Up to 7 years in prison for accepting valuables from anti-state groups, members or those under their control knowing that their actions will endanger state security or freedom and democracy. (Revised 91.5.31).

3) [1] and [2] crimes will be punished.

4) Minimum 10 years in prison for preparing or plotting acts defined in [1].

Article 6: Infiltration and escape
1) Up to 10 years in prison for those escape to or infiltrate from an area controlled by anti-state groups being aware that such acts will endanger the national security and the democratic freedom of the society. (Revised 91.5.31).

2) Death, life or minimum 5 years imprisonment for those who escape to or infiltrate in order to receive from, discuss with or execute anti-state acts for anti-state groups.

3) Dropped (91.5.31)

4) All [1] and [2] crimes will be punished. (Revised 91.5.31).

5) Up to 7 years imprisonment for those who plan or plot acts as defined in [1]. Minimum 2 years imprisonment for those who plan or plot acts as defined in [2] (Revised 91.5.31).

Article 7: Praising or sympathizing
1) Death or up to 7 years in prison for those who praise, encourage, disseminate or cooperate with anti-state groups, members or those under their control, being aware that such acts will endanger the national security and the democratic freedom. (Revised 91.5.31 ).

2) Dropped, 91.5.31.

3) Minimum of one year in prison for those who organize or join a group intending to commit acts defined in [1]. (Revised 91.5.31).

4) Minimum two years in prison for those who create or spread false information which may disturb national order as members of anti-state groups as defined in [3] (Revised 91.5.31).

5) Punishments as defined in [1], [3], or [4] for those who create, import, duplicate, possess, transport, disseminate, sell, or acquire documents, arts or other publications for the purpose of committing acts as defined in [1], [3], or [4] respectively. (Revised 91.5.31).

6) [1], [3] or [5] crimes shall be punished. (Revised 91.5.31).

7) Up to five years in prison for those who plan or plot acts defined in [3]. (Revised 91.5.31).

Article 8: Meeting, Corresponding and etc.
1) Up to 10 years in prison for those who confer, correspond, or communicate using other means with anti-state groups, members or those under their control, being aware that their acts will endanger the national security and the democratic freedom. (Revi sed 91.5.31). Note: this means you cannot contact NK.

2) Dropped 91.5.31.

3) [1] crimes shall be punished. (Revised 91.5.31). Note: WTF?
Dropped 91.5.31.

Article 9: Aiding
1) Minimum fifteen years in prison for those who knowingly provide fire arms, ammunition, explosives and other weapons to those who have committed or plan to commit acts defined in [3] or [8]. (Revised 91.5.31).

2) Up to ten years in prison for those who knowingly provide valuables or other monetary benefits or facilities for hiding, meeting, communicating, and contacting or provide other conveniences to persons who have committed or plan to commit acts defined in [3] or [8]. This punishment may be reduced or waved in cases involving family members. (Revised 91.5.31).

3) [1] and [2] suspects shall be punished.

4) Minimum one year in prison for those who plan or plot the acts defined in [1].

5) Dropped 91.5.31.

Article 10: Failure to inform

1) Maximum life in prison or a fine of 20,000,000 won for those who fail to inform the police or security officials of persons who have committed acts defined in [3], [4], [5.1, 3 and 4]. This punishment may be reduced or waved in the case of involving family members. (Replaced 91.5.31).

Article 11: Special duty cases
1) Up to 10 years in prison for security duty officials who continue in office while in contact with persons who have committed anti-state acts. This punishment may be reduced or waved in cases involving family members.
Article 12: False accusations
2) Persons who falsely accuse or falsify, hide or alter evidence to cause others to be prosecuted under this Law shall be punished as if they themselves have committed the acts. Note: WTF?

3) Government employees, engaged in crime investigation or intelligence or those who support or direct these employees, who abuse their position to commit [12.1] acts shall be punished in accordance with [12.1] - except a minimum of two years in prison if the punishment is less than two years.

Article 13: Special provisions
1) The penalty shall be death if a person, who has previously within the last five years committed crimes defined by this Law, the Military Criminal Codes [13], [15], or Criminal Codes [2.1] civil disorder crimes, [2] external act crimes, commits act s defined in [3.1.3] and [3.2] or [3.5], [4.1.1], Criminal Codes [94.2], [97, 99], [99.2].?

Article 14: Term reductions
1) Terms of punishment may be reduced for self-cognition cases. (Revised 91.5.31).
Article 15: Reward confiscation
1) If a person commit a crime under this Law and collects a reward under this Law, the reward will be confiscated. If it cannot be confiscated, the prison term will be extended.

2) Prosecution may order confiscation of smuggled goods and transfer to the state treasury.

Article 16: Reduction of punishment terms
1) Punishment terms may be reduced or waved under one of the following conditions:

#1Voluntary surrender after the commission of a crime under this Law.

#2 Persons who have committed a crime under this Law and who turn in others who have committed a crime or impeded others from committing a crime under this Law.

#3 Dropped 91.5.31.​

Article 17: Other applicable laws

1) The Labor Management Law [9] shall apply to those who commit crimes under this Law.

Chapter 3: Special Prosecutions​
Article 18: Arrest and detention of witnesses
1) Witnesses to a crime who fail to appear before a prosecutor or a police investigator when ordered more than twice without proper explanations may be arrested and detained.

2) If necessary, witnesses to a crime under this Law may be detained at a nearby police station or other appropriate location on a temporary basis.

Article 19: Extension of detention period
1) District prosecutors may grant one-time extension of a person detention period as set forth in Criminal Prosecution Codes [203] of a crime suspect of [3] or [10] if the interrogators request such an extension and present sufficient cause for said ext ension.

2) District prosecutors may grant up to two extensions of a person detention period as set forth in Criminal Prosecution Codes [203] of a crime suspect of [1] if the interrogators request such an extension and present sufficient cause for said extension .

3) The detention extension of [1] and [2} above shall be limited to 10 days.

Article 20: Appeals

1) The prosecution may grant appeals in accordance with the Criminal Codes [51] to those who have committed a crime under this Law.

2) [1] appeals shall be void if no action is taken in two years.

3) If a person is granted an appeal and violates rules and regulations per supervision and reporting as set by the Minister of Justice, the appeal shall be voided.

4) In case of [3] above, apparels may be re-arrested in accordance with [208] of the Criminal Codes.

Chapter 4. Rewards and Merits​
Article 21: Rewards
1) Persons who inform prosecutors or security officers of or arrest a person committing a crime under this Law shall be paid a reward bonus as set by the President.

2) [1] applies as well to security officers or police officers who search and arrest criminals under this Law.

3) [1} applies to cases in which suspects are killed or commit suicide in the course of their arrest.

Article 22: Additional rewards
1) 50% of monetary value of any property confiscated in connection with Article 21 may be added to the reward earned.

2) 50% of moneys, coming from anti-state groups, members or those under their control, turned into police or security officers may be paid to persons involved. This applies equally to persons who are members of or under control of anti-state groups.

3) The President shall determine all matters of requests and distribution of rewards.

Article 23: Compensation
1) Those who suffer loss or death while in reporting or arresting persons who have committed acts defined by this Law shall be compensated in accordance with the presidential decrees for the martyrs or their families appropriate for former or active members of the military and security agencies. (Replaced 91.5.31).

Article 24; National Security Service Recognition Committee
1) National Security Service Recognition Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) shall be established under the Justice Ministry for the purpose of ascertain and determining [2.3] bonus qualifications. (Revised 91.5.31).

2) The Committee may request the applicants' presence or investigate their request; and may request government agencies for information appropriate to the investigation.

3) The Committee's composition and administration shall be determined by the President.

Article 25: Military Criminal Code applications
1) If a person who has committed a crime under this Law and who is under the jurisdiction of the Military Criminal Code [2.1] provisions, the prosecutor shall be deemed to a military court prosecutor. (Revised 87.12.4).
Article 1: Effective date
This Law shall become effective upon its promulgation.

Article 2: Anti-Communist Law
This Law supersedes the Anti-Communist Law, those who committed prior acts or commit new acts shall be prosecuted under the Anti-Communist Law also.

Article 3: Other applicable laws
1) The Social Security Law shall be modified as follows: [2.3] shall be replaced as set below and [4] shall be dropped. NOTE: Its not that kind of social security, like in America.

2) National Security Law [3], [9], Addenda [2.3] shall be replaced by [4] and [3] shall be modified as follows.

Article 4: Process adjustments
1) Persons convicted under the prior Criminal Code [2.2] civil disorder crimes, [3] external crimes, prior National Defense Law [32], [33], prior Coastal Defense Law [8.2], [9], prior Emergency Situation Law special detentions, Anti-Communist Law, and p rior National Security Law shall be deemed convicted under Criminal Codes [2.1] internal disorder, [2] external disorder, Military Criminal Law [13], [15] or this Law.

2) Prior convictions under the Special Crime Code [6] shall be deemed convictions under this Law.

3) Punishments executed under the Anti-Communist Law or the prior National Security Law shall be deemed punishments under this Law.

4) Bonuses and rewards earned per the Anti-Communist Law prior the enactment of this Law shall be processed using this Law.
Addendum - 87.12.4
5) This Law goes into effect on February 25, 1988.


Acts committed prior to the effective date of this Law shall be prosecuted under the laws existing prior to this Law.

Persons who have been convicted of national security law violations shall be deemed as if convicted under this Law.
Oh, please note that the Labor Management Law of Chapter 2, Article 17 prohibits some kinds of strikes, especially wildcat.
What point are you trying to make by posting this? Or are you just trying to draw criticism to South Korea?
Oh, please note that the Labor Management Law of Chapter 2, Article 17 prohibits some kinds of strikes, especially wildcat.

Thanks, I really couldn't make any sense of it before you said that. :hmph:
What point are you trying to make by posting this? Or are you just trying to draw criticism to South Korea?


I thought this was interesting, you know...... I've been telling you guys about the the NSL, and finally this is the entire thing.

And why criticisms?
Funny how whenever Numbers talks about Korea the words "death", "punishment", "jail", and "crime" always turn up.
About every other day you come up with a new thread about Korea... Try to space it out more... Too much Korea isn't good for you.

You should get your own Korea thread stickied, and just post news in there...
I think 15357 is getting as bad with Korea as Cptstern is with Bush!
well he lives there.

The law proves all you have been saying is true numbers, and its pretty sad. You're just a couple of steps away from becoming a totalitarian police state. This is esentially the P.A.T.R.I.O.T act on steroids.
Funny how whenever Numbers talks about Korea the words "death", "punishment", "jail", and "crime" always turn up.

Heh. Death is interesting. :p

About every other day you come up with a new thread about Korea... Try to space it out more... Too much Korea isn't good for you.

You should get your own Korea thread stickied, and just post news in there...

Yeah, I know. I must be on a spree.

I think 15357 is getting as bad with Korea as Cptstern is with Bush!


well he lives there.

The law proves all you have been saying is true numbers, and its pretty sad. You're just a couple of steps away from becoming a totalitarian police state. This is esentially the P.A.T.R.I.O.T act on steroids.

Please, what? Cite an instance.

LOL. I liked the steam one better, though. "Contemplating meaning of life"
No Problem...

Sorry I couldn't resist.:p
Note: I know that I posted this in politics, but I thought it fit better in off-topic. So, do whatever you want with the one in politics.

Chapter 1: Preamble
Article 1: Objectives
1) This Law is to suppress anti-State acts that endanger national security and to ensure nation's security, people's life and freedom.

2) Interpretation and application of this Law shall be limited to the least measures required to achieve the objectives of (1) above and any expanded interpretation of this Law or infringement of the basis citizens' rights guaranteed by the Constitution shall not be permitted.

Article 2: Definitions
1) The term "anti-State groups" refers domestic or foreign organizations or groups whose intentions are to conduct or assist infiltration of the Government or to cause national disturbances. (Revised 91.5.31)

2) Invalidated?(91.5.31)

Chapter 2. Crimes and Punishments
Article 3: Forming anti-State groups
1) Those who organize, or join, an anti-State group shall be punished as follows:

#1 Death for the chief instigators or organizers.
#2 Death or Life Imprisonment for leadership cadres.
#3 Minimum 2 years in prison for lesser members.
2) Minimum 2 years in prison for those who encourage others to join an anti-State group.

3) Those who violate [1] and [2] shall be punished.
4) Minimum 2 years for those who plan or contemplate a [1.1] or [1.2] crime.
5) Maximum 10 years in prison for those who plan or contemplate [1.3]. (Revised 91.5.31)

Article 4: Commission of anti-state acts
1) Members of an anti-State group or those who are under the influence of an anti-State organization who commit an anti-State act shall be punished as follows: (Revised 91.5.31)

#1 Those who commit an act as defined by the Criminal Codes articles [92], [97], [99], [250.2], [338] or [340.2] shall be punished as set forth in the Codes.

#2 Those who commit an act as defined by the Criminal Codes article [98] or who access, gather, leak, transmit or compromise a national security secret shall be punished as follows:

#3 Death or life imprisonment if it involves a military secret or information which is critical to national security and restricted to government authorities.

#4 Death, life or minimum 7 years in prison if it involves other military or national security secret.

#5 Death, life or minimum 10 years for violating Criminal Codes [115], [119.1], [147], [148]. [164] or [169]. [177.1] or [180]. [192] or [195]. [207], [208], [210], [250.1], [252], [253], [333] or [337], [339] or [340.1, 2]

#6 Death, life or minimum 5 years in prison for destruction of public or government buildings or other structures essential for transportation, communication; abduction or seduction of officials; or theft or removal of ships, airplanes, automobiles, weap ons or other materials - related to the fore-mentioned functions.
2) Minimum 3 years in prison for acts defined in the Criminal Codes [214] or [217], [257] or [259] or [262]; or theft, removal, counterfeit, alteration of state secret documents or materials.

3) Minimum 2 years in prison for promoting or propagating acts defined in [1] or [5] or for creating or spreading false rumors aimed at causing social turmoil.

Article 5: Willful help or provision of money and materials
1) Those who on their own will aid anti-state groups or members or those who are under their control and commit acts as defined in [4.1] shall be punished as set forth in [4.1].

2) Up to 7 years in prison for accepting valuables from anti-state groups, members or those under their control knowing that their actions will endanger state security or freedom and democracy. (Revised 91.5.31).

3) [1] and [2] crimes will be punished.

4) Minimum 10 years in prison for preparing or plotting acts defined in [1].

Article 6: Infiltration and escape
1) Up to 10 years in prison for those escape to or infiltrate from an area controlled by anti-state groups being aware that such acts will endanger the national security and the democratic freedom of the society. (Revised 91.5.31).

2) Death, life or minimum 5 years imprisonment for those who escape to or infiltrate in order to receive from, discuss with or execute anti-state acts for anti-state groups.

3) Dropped (91.5.31)

4) All [1] and [2] crimes will be punished. (Revised 91.5.31).

5) Up to 7 years imprisonment for those who plan or plot acts as defined in [1]. Minimum 2 years imprisonment for those who plan or plot acts as defined in [2] (Revised 91.5.31).

Article 7: Praising or sympathizing
1) Death or up to 7 years in prison for those who praise, encourage, disseminate or cooperate with anti-state groups, members or those under their control, being aware that such acts will endanger the national security and the democratic freedom. (Revised 91.5.31 ).

2) Dropped, 91.5.31.

3) Minimum of one year in prison for those who organize or join a group intending to commit acts defined in [1]. (Revised 91.5.31).

4) Minimum two years in prison for those who create or spread false information which may disturb national order as members of anti-state groups as defined in [3] (Revised 91.5.31).

5) Punishments as defined in [1], [3], or [4] for those who create, import, duplicate, possess, transport, disseminate, sell, or acquire documents, arts or other publications for the purpose of committing acts as defined in [1], [3], or [4] respectively. (Revised 91.5.31).

6) [1], [3] or [5] crimes shall be punished. (Revised 91.5.31).

7) Up to five years in prison for those who plan or plot acts defined in [3]. (Revised 91.5.31).

Article 8: Meeting, Corresponding and etc.
1) Up to 10 years in prison for those who confer, correspond, or communicate using other means with anti-state groups, members or those under their control, being aware that their acts will endanger the national security and the democratic freedom. (Revi sed 91.5.31). Note: this means you cannot contact NK.

2) Dropped 91.5.31.

3) [1] crimes shall be punished. (Revised 91.5.31). Note: WTF?
Dropped 91.5.31.

Article 9: Aiding
1) Minimum fifteen years in prison for those who knowingly provide fire arms, ammunition, explosives and other weapons to those who have committed or plan to commit acts defined in [3] or [8]. (Revised 91.5.31).

2) Up to ten years in prison for those who knowingly provide valuables or other monetary benefits or facilities for hiding, meeting, communicating, and contacting or provide other conveniences to persons who have committed or plan to commit acts defined in [3] or [8]. This punishment may be reduced or waved in cases involving family members. (Revised 91.5.31).

3) [1] and [2] suspects shall be punished.

4) Minimum one year in prison for those who plan or plot the acts defined in [1].

5) Dropped 91.5.31.

Article 10: Failure to inform

1) Maximum life in prison or a fine of 20,000,000 won for those who fail to inform the police or security officials of persons who have committed acts defined in [3], [4], [5.1, 3 and 4]. This punishment may be reduced or waved in the case of involving family members. (Replaced 91.5.31).

Article 11: Special duty cases
1) Up to 10 years in prison for security duty officials who continue in office while in contact with persons who have committed anti-state acts. This punishment may be reduced or waved in cases involving family members.
Article 12: False accusations
2) Persons who falsely accuse or falsify, hide or alter evidence to cause others to be prosecuted under this Law shall be punished as if they themselves have committed the acts. Note: WTF?

3) Government employees, engaged in crime investigation or intelligence or those who support or direct these employees, who abuse their position to commit [12.1] acts shall be punished in accordance with [12.1] - except a minimum of two years in prison if the punishment is less than two years.

Article 13: Special provisions
1) The penalty shall be death if a person, who has previously within the last five years committed crimes defined by this Law, the Military Criminal Codes [13], [15], or Criminal Codes [2.1] civil disorder crimes, [2] external act crimes, commits act s defined in [3.1.3] and [3.2] or [3.5], [4.1.1], Criminal Codes [94.2], [97, 99], [99.2].?

Article 14: Term reductions
1) Terms of punishment may be reduced for self-cognition cases. (Revised 91.5.31).
Article 15: Reward confiscation
1) If a person commit a crime under this Law and collects a reward under this Law, the reward will be confiscated. If it cannot be confiscated, the prison term will be extended.

2) Prosecution may order confiscation of smuggled goods and transfer to the state treasury.

Article 16: Reduction of punishment terms
1) Punishment terms may be reduced or waved under one of the following conditions:

#1Voluntary surrender after the commission of a crime under this Law.

#2 Persons who have committed a crime under this Law and who turn in others who have committed a crime or impeded others from committing a crime under this Law.

#3 Dropped 91.5.31.
Article 17: Other applicable laws

1) The Labor Management Law [9] shall apply to those who commit crimes under this Law.

Chapter 3: Special Prosecutions
Article 18: Arrest and detention of witnesses
1) Witnesses to a crime who fail to appear before a prosecutor or a police investigator when ordered more than twice without proper explanations may be arrested and detained.

2) If necessary, witnesses to a crime under this Law may be detained at a nearby police station or other appropriate location on a temporary basis.

Article 19: Extension of detention period
1) District prosecutors may grant one-time extension of a person detention period as set forth in Criminal Prosecution Codes [203] of a crime suspect of [3] or [10] if the interrogators request such an extension and present sufficient cause for said ext ension.

2) District prosecutors may grant up to two extensions of a person detention period as set forth in Criminal Prosecution Codes [203] of a crime suspect of [1] if the interrogators request such an extension and present sufficient cause for said extension .

3) The detention extension of [1] and [2} above shall be limited to 10 days.

Article 20: Appeals

1) The prosecution may grant appeals in accordance with the Criminal Codes [51] to those who have committed a crime under this Law.

2) [1] appeals shall be void if no action is taken in two years.

3) If a person is granted an appeal and violates rules and regulations per supervision and reporting as set by the Minister of Justice, the appeal shall be voided.

4) In case of [3] above, apparels may be re-arrested in accordance with [208] of the Criminal Codes.

Chapter 4. Rewards and Merits
Article 21: Rewards
1) Persons who inform prosecutors or security officers of or arrest a person committing a crime under this Law shall be paid a reward bonus as set by the President.

2) [1] applies as well to security officers or police officers who search and arrest criminals under this Law.

3) [1} applies to cases in which suspects are killed or commit suicide in the course of their arrest.

Article 22: Additional rewards
1) 50% of monetary value of any property confiscated in connection with Article 21 may be added to the reward earned.

2) 50% of moneys, coming from anti-state groups, members or those under their control, turned into police or security officers may be paid to persons involved. This applies equally to persons who are members of or under control of anti-state groups.

3) The President shall determine all matters of requests and distribution of rewards.

Article 23: Compensation
1) Those who suffer loss or death while in reporting or arresting persons who have committed acts defined by this Law shall be compensated in accordance with the presidential decrees for the martyrs or their families appropriate for former or active members of the military and security agencies. (Replaced 91.5.31).

Article 24; National Security Service Recognition Committee
1) National Security Service Recognition Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Committee) shall be established under the Justice Ministry for the purpose of ascertain and determining [2.3] bonus qualifications. (Revised 91.5.31).

2) The Committee may request the applicants' presence or investigate their request; and may request government agencies for information appropriate to the investigation.

3) The Committee's composition and administration shall be determined by the President.

Article 25: Military Criminal Code applications
1) If a person who has committed a crime under this Law and who is under the jurisdiction of the Military Criminal Code [2.1] provisions, the prosecutor shall be deemed to a military court prosecutor. (Revised 87.12.4).

Article 1: Effective date
This Law shall become effective upon its promulgation.

Article 2: Anti-Communist Law
This Law supersedes the Anti-Communist Law, those who committed prior acts or commit new acts shall be prosecuted under the Anti-Communist Law also.

Article 3: Other applicable laws
1) The Social Security Law shall be modified as follows: [2.3] shall be replaced as set below and [4] shall be dropped. NOTE: Its not that kind of social security, like in America.

2) National Security Law [3], [9], Addenda [2.3] shall be replaced by [4] and [3] shall be modified as follows.

Article 4: Process adjustments
1) Persons convicted under the prior Criminal Code [2.2] civil disorder crimes, [3] external crimes, prior National Defense Law [32], [33], prior Coastal Defense Law [8.2], [9], prior Emergency Situation Law special detentions, Anti-Communist Law, and p rior National Security Law shall be deemed convicted under Criminal Codes [2.1] internal disorder, [2] external disorder, Military Criminal Law [13], [15] or this Law.

2) Prior convictions under the Special Crime Code [6] shall be deemed convictions under this Law.

3) Punishments executed under the Anti-Communist Law or the prior National Security Law shall be deemed punishments under this Law.

4) Bonuses and rewards earned per the Anti-Communist Law prior the enactment of this Law shall be processed using this Law.
Addendum - 87.12.4
5) This Law goes into effect on February 25, 1988.


Acts committed prior to the effective date of this Law shall be prosecuted under the laws existing prior to this Law.

Persons who have been convicted of national security law violations shall be deemed as if convicted under this Law.

Resist what? :D
I believe it's the other way around. YOU suck.
Article 3: Forming anti-State groups
1) Those who organize, or join, an anti-State group shall be punished as follows:

#1 Death for the chief instigators or organizers.
#2 Death or Life Imprisonment for leadership cadres.
#3 Minimum 2 years in prison for lesser members.

2) Minimum 2 years in prison for those who encourage others to join an anti-State group.


And anyway, doesn't the US or the UK execute people for high treason?
Take a break from your thread making for a while. Seriously, you're pissing people off.
Actually, skaadi is right...also...

Skaadi > numbers
US doesn't execute for high treason either.

But we still got capital punishment. w00t.
I think 15357 is getting as bad with Korea as Cptstern is with Bush!

that makes little sense ..I'm critical of bush ..Numbers is korean

Numbers: yes, yes we get it already: "kill the hippies, be ever vigilant of the commies coming to rape your babies" etc etc etc
US doesn't execute for high treason either.

yes it does:

wiki said:
Treason is a capital offense in several jurisdictions. .....Federal death penalty crimes are various degrees and types of murder as well as treason, espionage, large scale drug trafficking, and attempting to kill any officer, juror, or witness in cases involving a Continuing Criminal Enterprise. There are 14 crimes subject to the death penalty under U.S. military law; some of them, such as desertion, are only applicable in times of war.
yes but it doesnt mean that they couldnt face the death penalty's up to the prosecution to determine whether capital punishment is warrented
"kill the hippies for they are coming to eat the babies, be ever vigilant of the commies coming to rape your babies" etc etc etc

Fixted. :p

Anyway, we haven't had a execution for violation of this law or the Anti-communist law since.... 10 years or so.

EDIT: US laws that say mostly the same thing: Federal Law 792, 799, 2381 ~ 2391 (state overthrow crime); Act of Control of Subversive Activities; Communist Act; Internal Security Act.

This is like those made into one law.
I'm pretty sure theres a law that says you can still be hung in the UK for high treason and piracy...I just doubt it will ever be used :)