Space Camp


The Freeman
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone remember that film? It was about a load of kids that got to sit in the space shuttle while it was doing a test launch, but one of the kids befriended the NASA AI which, stupidly enough for a superintelligent machine, decided to make the kid's 'wow I wish I could go into space' sentiment reality. So the shuttle launches, leaving NASA trying to make sure a load of random kids and one adult manage to get safely down to earth. Man, that was an awesome movie. Or maybe it sucked, I was like 6 the last time I watched it.


EDIT: Holy shit I just realised Max was Joaquin Pheonix. :eek:

Weird. I haven't seen this for years, but I was thinking about it just yesterday for some reason. Must be that channel 4 thing the radio was blabbering about all of wednesday.

I remember enjoying the film, but I would have been around 11 (Guessing) when I last saw it, which mean I may well not enjoy it as much these days :)
The only thing that I could remember about that film is when they were in the space simulator.

The better film would be Space Cowboys

-"Who should I call you?"
-"You can call me anytime."