Space Hulk

I haven't played any "real" Warhammer games at all, only the Dawn of War games.
Wait, they're releasing a new one?
Oh, awesome.
They're releasing a new tabletop Space Hulk, yes, not a new computer/video-game one.:(

I hope THQ and Games-Workshop get their f*cking act together and let Teardown release their Space Hulk game.

Basically, they made a freeware Space Hulk game, but when GW noticed it was getting popular they said "EY FU GUYS FOR MAKING A FREEWARE GAME BASED ON SPACE HULK, YOU CAN NOT RELEASE THIS, PULL IT OFF THE SITE IMMEDIATELY"

I played Space Hulk on the Sega Saturn. It was fun and interesting for the time - kind of an FPS with strategy and squad control elements. Flawed and rushed though.
The original Space Hulk(DOS), was far better than Space Hulk 2(Sega Saturn, PS1, 3D0 and Windows) IMO.
I really should get into warhammer sometime... but at this point I'm so far behind it's kind of overwhelming.
Kinda want. The models that come with it look awesome and space hulk is always good for a bit of fun.

On the other hand I have vastly more pressing things to assign my money to.