space siege [demo out!]


Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Demo is out @ fileshack!

Mirror @ gamershell.

The first impressions on shacknews seem to be positive. I will not be playing this today due to my not so impressive downloadspeed. The file is 935MB. Unless they completely foul it up this is a must have.
From what I gather, this is basically just Dungeon Siege... in space?

From what I gather, this is basically just Dungeon Siege... in space?

Clue is in the title.

Trailer looked okay, and Dungeon Siege was pretty fun for a while IMO. As long as the new setting makes it slightly less repetitive somehow...

Meh, didn't look into this at all but Dungeon Siege was fun... even though the expansions were horse shit.
I'll give it a go anyways.
Seems pretty boring. Walk through door, hold right-click until enemies are dead... repeat. It also feels a bit B-rate, like a Stardock game.

Also, no minimap... wtf? And the camera's annoying at times.
Bah, runs like shit on my puter despite not looking all that good, but it seems like alright fun. I kind of like the way the combat is split between shooting and using abilities. Not exactly original but it works. Does seem a bit like a budget title, yeah... just a bit too old school and cheesy.
Played it, loved it. it reminds me why Bioware and Blizzard should work together.
Holy crap, this is awesome.
Love it, I'm definitely buying this... co-op is going to be AWESOME.
Played it as well. While I wasn't disappointed, I wasn't surprised in a positive way either. It's basically a dumbed down version of Dungeon Siege. Which is weird really since DSI and DSII weren't very hard in the first place.

The gameplay is boring. Like StardogChampion said, it's just right-clicking everything in sight, while occasionally dealing out some special attack. That can be fun if there would be tactics involved, like timing your special attacks for example, but the demo certainly never offered anything like that. Controlling your character feels a bit awkward imo. WASD would have been much more logical. Keep in point & click for the people that like to play it that way, but at least add the option.

Also no inventory, lol wut?? You gather parts which work as a kind of currency to buy upgrades for yourself or your weapons, but that's just stats like dealing more damage, having more health, etc. No fancy items or anything. You do find other weapons, but since you upgrade them, you don't throw them away very fast. The addition of the cybernetic implants is pretty cool, but there's only about 8 or 9 of 'em. I wonder if there are different implants for the same slot. The way the menu explained it to me gave me the impression that there aren't. I like the idea of replenishing 'mana' (energy it's called I believe; you use it for special attacks) by killing foes. You regain health though with good ole health packs of which you can only carry 4.

The visuals are sufficient. Nothing fancy, but it didn't look super out-dated either. It was just bland really. The gloomy spaceship setting has been done so many times now. That wouldn't be a problem if the art direction is unique, but it isn't in the case of Space Siege. There is nothing that sets it aside from the crowd. The same holds true for the audio. Gun sounds, voices, ambient noise; it's all one big cliche.

I would be surprised if this goes to retail for full price. Like Bad^Hat wrote, it screams budget title.
Oh god. So I played through again for laughs. I tried staying behind at the stand-off at the end and just blasting aliens to see what happened - sure enough, they just keep coming. The commander keeps yelling the same line down your earpiece every ten seconds ("get to the choppa!"), but nothing ever happens. You can literally stay there for as long as you want, and I mean that literally... YOU CAN'T DIE. It just respawns you in the same spot with no penalty, and you continue to hack away unhindered. Why do games keep doing this? Goddamn, it's so stupid.

F*CK YOU, Bioshock. Seriously.
Haha, I stayed at that part until he told me to move for the second time. I crapped it and ran to the train.

Shakermaker pretty much sums the game up for me.
Yeah, I only really noticed how "dumbed down" it was the second time around. I think it actually fits the space setting better, instead of just doing the Dungeon Siege formula of levels and loot again. The limited number of weapons and the way you have to divvy out upgrades I'm actually a fan of - it was fun in Bioshock (at least when each of them had a distinct use), but a bit limited, so making that into the game's "currency" is kind of cool. I'm curious to see if there are multiple cybernetic parts, though, and what effect the "humanity" meter has when you install more and more.

But yeah, it's definitely more of twitch/click shooter with RPG elements than a dungeon crawler in space, really. Kind of feels like one of those Zombie Shooter type games that are always popping up on Steam, if anything... just with worse controls. WASD to move would've worked so much better.
Downloaded from Nvidia and they bundled HBO on demand software with it (which isn't compatible with 64-bit operating systems) so it terminated the install process. Needless to say, I'm now forced to find an alternate mirror to successfully install. So. Damn. Stupid.
Downloaded from Nvidia and they bundled HBO on demand software with it (which isn't compatible with 64-bit operating systems) so it terminated the install process. Needless to say, I'm now forced to find an alternate mirror to successfully install. So. Damn. Stupid.

Don't bother unless you're really bored.
Yeah, just played through a second time... I was just looking for something new to play and the idea of Dungeon Siege in space just got my mind rolling, so I had fun with it... but it does feel somewhat like a budget title.
I must admit that the vid at the beginning was pretty damn awesome. I saw it before but still was impressed.
The thing is; you can't have expectations for Chris Taylor. I've known since Dungeon Siege (original) what to expect from him and GPG, and I usually wait for price drops and pick his games up for what they should be (~$20USD). Good times all around.

I expect a clunky interface, cartoonish visuals, a nearly non-existent plotline and harsh sounding over-acted and poorly written dialogue.
No clue. I did however just play through the Space Siege demo, it was ludicrously short but a good bit of fun, I guess.
I didn't like it, was too repetitive.