Spaced is better than you'll ever be.

el Chi

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
Spaced. If you've never seen it then shame on you. SHAME ON YOU. Oh, the shame. Oh the regret. Ooooh the deprivation of it all.
If you liked Shaun of the Dead, then you'll love it - that film was basically a two-hour version of an episode from the first series. Which bodes well, don't you think?
Oh. F*cking. Yes. How's that for a slice of fried gold?
He tells the truth, spaced fricking rocks, i loved it.
Yeah it's true, I had every episode a while back, but they've all gone now :(

Definately worth watching though.
No worries, we'll probably make a cheap, shitty rip-off of it in the next few years. We're good at that.
Introducing Gapped!

"Woah, dude."

"Dude! I've just drawn an embarrasing caricature of my boss!"

*canned laughter*

"Dude, that's not good."

*more canned laughter*

...not that American TV is anything remotely like that, but hey, totally random crap is always funny.

Spaced is undeniably pure gold. Well, maybe gold with a few bits of mud but with enough platinum mixed in with it to balance things out.

I do of course recall (and love) the infamous zombie scenario, but for some reason the dramatic rescue of the dog lingers most with me...

Flashback. A fluffy dog is running towards a car. A small boy takes chase, but it's too late. "POM POM!"

Back to the present. The dog is heading towards the car. Que a heroic pose and an echoy cry of "NOT...A...GAIN!"
Edcrab said:
Spaced is undeniably pure gold. Well, maybe gold with a few bits of mud but with enough platinum mixed in with it to balance things out.[/B]
A fairly good description! How's that for a slice of fried gold!?

And your summation of the US version will be frighteningly accurate, I fear. But I'd like to think that Simon Pegg, Jessica Stevenson and Edgar Wright have a wee bit too much integrity to sell out like that.

Oh, and it's nice t'see your old av back in action :) (Lenny, right?)

And yeah you can get both series on DVD, but I dunno if that's in the US.
I've sinned horribly because I don't have both series :o I should really go down to my local Virgin and demand they offer me the relevant DVD.

Although last time I did that Henry looked sad and said "You only walk down and do this because I'm shy around women, don't you?"...

And yes, I've saved that one up for the last six years. Pity me.

And Lennie (I warned you!) is indeed back, due to popular demand. He snuck up on the Lennie Mk2 (or the Overpowered Vending Machine as tinyxipe put it) and proceeded to stomp him repeatedly.

I know they said "no", at least at the time, but I really, really hope we'll see more Spaced. It's depressing seeing the likes of Stevenson in something like According to Bex :x
I keep watching them 'cause my housemate has them; perfect for post-pub pissed viewing. Except the problem is that now I pretty much know them backwards, and he and I are Kings of the In-Joke and References. Oooh yes.

Speaking of which - what was that little thing you'd been storing up for six years!?

Sorry about mis-spelling Lennie <Hangs head in shame> But it's nice to see the old boy back. I've been thinking about returning to Spongebob, although I am quite enamoured of my enthusiastic Kriss Akabusi - whaddya reckon, dear boy?
I'm getting quite attatched to Kris. If I ever finish those bleedin' comics I start, I'd have him shouting AWOOGA! in the background, that'd be for sure.

And I was referring to the awful Virgin joke. As in, rather than going to the Megastore I pestered a guy who is called, for no good reason, Henry, who I've offended with continual harrassment. Yeah.

...god, bad jokes suck twenty times more when you have to explain them.

That's the only thing I "fear" when it comes to buying media- over familiarity. I watched my entire Father Ted collection to death, for example, and now not even the rabbit episode can get me smiling like it used to. Doubt Spaced would suffer quite as badly but still...
Heh, Spaced is awesome. You can pretty much guarantee laughs from anything with Simon Pegg or Nick Frost in, which is why I'm eagerly awaiting their new series La Triviata and their film (directed by Edgar again) Hot Fuzz.
I love it! Still aint got them on dvd though, which really, is inexcusable.

My favourite is the paintballing one "Mike..........NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" :afro:
In 1994 while on weekend manoeuvres in France, I commandeered a Chieftain tank without permission of my immediate superiors. I then attempted to invade Paris. However, en route I stopped off at Disneyland, or Eurodisney as it was then called, and was subsequently apprehended on Space Mountain.
my favourites the one with the pretend gun fight, with adagio for strings, but in that one where the bloke who got shot in the balls has a flashback and tim says "no hard feelings".
I creased up.
jondyfun said:
Spaced and Black Books = teh pwnage
Old wine is good wine. The older the wine is, the gooder it is.
Edcrab said:
I'm getting quite attatched to Kris. If I ever finish those bleedin' comics I start, I'd have him shouting AWOOGA! in the background, that'd be for sure.
That's quite reassuring!
I could get this in a store right? In America? This one of the many reasons I wish I lived in the UK.
I dunno if it's available in the US, but I somehow doubt it.Worth checking out though. If you've got a multi-region DVD player, then you could order it off a British site.
el Chi said:
Old wine is good wine. The older the wine is, the gooder it is.

Look Bernard! I'm a prostitute robot from the future!
"Of course you can't taste anything! You smoke about eighty bajillion cigarettes a day. What's that you're eating?"
"I dunno, it's some kind of... delicious biscuit!"
"That's a coaster!"

:laugh: Oh damn I love Black Books. Funniest comedy in years. Hmm, this thread appears to have been hijacked somewhat.
Well partly, but the comedy acting community links up so well it hardly matters!
Daisy, Tim, Duayne Bensy and Mike have all been in Black Books and Manny has of course been in Spaced, so there's a neat little link up there :)
I love the British comedy acting incestuousness of it all!
el Chi said:
Well partly, but the comedy acting community links up so well it hardly matters!
Daisy, Tim, Duayne Bensy and Mike have all been in Black Books and Manny has of course been in Spaced, so there's a neat little link up there :)
I love the British comedy acting incestuousness of it all!
Pete Serafinowicz was in Black Books too, and of course most of them were in Shaun of the Dead as well... so yeah, fine, no hijack.
THAT'S the dude's name - Pete Serafinowicz, aka Duayne Bensy, aka:
"Well, no hard feelings, eh..."
"You shot me in the bollocks, Tim."
"Like I said; no hard feelings."

And there's a link up with Big Train, Brass Eye, Little Britain and maybe more... Extreeemely funny.
Peter Serafinowicz is also responsible for the superbly brilliant "Look Around You".
Oh that '80s sciencey/Tomorrow's World spoof? That was veeery funny :)
Look Around you started off as a spoof-kids information program didn't it?

"Now, we leave the iron for a little longer... and it's become a powder. This is called Bumcivillian. Now observe as the scientist hits the bell. No sound? You might think this is because the bell is broken, but it's because Bumcivillian absorbs all the sound waves in its vicinity."

"Now we take a pyramid of iron and apply both AC and DC currents to it. We wait..."

*lightning bolt*

"...and if we rush outside quick enough, we can just see a giant pair of scissors in the sky. And look, now they're fading."

Peter Serafinowicz is the voice of darth maul.
I don't have much knoledge but i like to share what i know.
Edcrab said:
Look Around you started off as a spoof-kids information program didn't it?

"Now, we leave the iron for a little longer... and it's become a powder. This is called Bumcivillian. Now observe as the scientist hits the bell. No sound? You might think this is because the bell is broken, but it's because Bumcivillian absorbs all the sound waves in its vicinity."

"Now we take a pyramid of iron and apply both AC and DC currents to it. We wait..."

*lightning bolt*

"...and if we rush outside quick enough, we can just see a giant pair of scissors in the sky. And look, now they're fading."


We use AC/DC because it's heavy metal.