Spaced - the best comedy ever?


Party Escort Bot
Sep 13, 2003
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Basically, if someone had given god 7 days to make the perfect show for 20 somethings who love video games, movies, comics, and chilling out and getting stoned, then this is what we'd get :cool:

It's comedy gold made just for us! Go buy series 1 & 2 if you haven't seen it, if you have, discuss how awesome it is :)


I hadn't seen Firefly untill reading how awesome it was from some of you guys over in the states. This is me returning the favour.
<3 Simon Pegg and nick Frost. Best comedy duo evar.
Spaced is truley awesome too, and I can't stop watching the gunfights from Series 2 Ep 5.
Very possibly, yes. Deffo a top 5-er for me.

My parents love it too, so they bought the two seasons themselves. :D Little disapointed that my mum has lent out season 1 recently as just last week I had a craving to re-watch them. Ah, well.
I used to have them all downloaded, and thought they were great. Then I deleted them, and after a year or so, downloaded them again. I don't know why, but this time round, they seem crap.
Crap?! How dare you! :)

Both series have aged incredibly well imo - infact the last time I watched them I was laughing more than ever.

Each to their own, but I can't think of another comedy that comes close, and especially not one I can relate to as well as Spaced.
I downloaded them, because I am bad and both series were incomplete. It only gave me an hour and 15 minutes worth. Where as it should have been about 3 hours, am I right?

I loved what I saw. Definitely a buy now.
Protip - get the 1+2 boxed set - you get an hour long retrospective where they visit the old locations etc. The last 30 seconds has a nice bit of closure for the story.