I went to Spain, and got back 5am this morning. The one thing I hated about it is the roads. Its so indescribable, I would have to draw it on a piece of paper.
All roads outside Northern Europe is a mess, especially in Africa. I guess they give priority to other, more urgent, things rather than mending the roads.
Bosnia is the worse I've ever been on. The whole country is mountainous, so your always going up and down and you can't see beyond the next corner. Plus the roads are a lot narrower then the average west European roads. And I read in a newspaper that about 50% of the cars have bad brakes.
Holland is a blessing though, wide roads, flat, good visible signs, a lot of lit highways, people don't have AK's in their homes.
I've recently went on a road trip to Paris, and on the way we passed through: Hungary, Austria and Germany. And I have to say that in Germany they have the best roads, straight, wide and smooth all the way, of course the fact that we didn't have to pay any road tax was definitely a plus.
On the way back we had the unfortunate idea to go through Italy, and man do they have the most labyrinthine roads I've ever seen. Twists and turns everywhere!!
At one time we passed a road tax checkpoint and we managed to doable back and go through that checkpoint a total of 3 times, that's quite a performance I must say.
And the GPS wasn't much help either:cheese:
Egypt and Kenya is the worst I've seen, I don't think you even need driver's licence to drive their. Horns are the only thing that counts. China is pretty bad too.