Spawn Kills



I hate getting killed when I spawn, but at the same time, I have to admit, I have not ignored a player who spawned in front of me, so I killed him

Why doesn't Valve implement a system that a player cannot be killed when he spawns until he moves? At least give him 15 seconds, and if he doesn't move, then he is fair game.

Maybe there is a downside to this that I am not thinking of, but it seems to make sense to me.
You seem to be missing the point of deathmatch. I hate it when people start to get tactical about it.

Deathmatch simply is that, a match of deaths. Kill everything you see, regardless whether it's just spawned, standing on one leg, having a shower, or doing cartwheels around the map - kill it! Kill it!!!!1
The spawn system in HL2DM annoys the hell out of me sometimes- admittedly, sometimes I'll spawn in behind the two people who just killed me, and proceed to avenge my laggy death. Other times, I'll spawn directly in front of them three times in a row, and each time they'll dispatch me with a hail of gunfire. It's very luck dependant.

Although arcade-style temporary invulnerablity sounds promising (despite the whole "slowing down DM" thing... :|), I'd be just as happy with a system that doesn't randomly spawn you near large concentrations of murderous enemies. Stupid chaos theory.
Chris_D said:
I hate it when people start to get tactical about it.

Maybe I am missing the point. I dont want to get tactical, just give me a chance to fight back. Standing there and dying just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. At least if I start moving, I have a chance. :)
aedi said:
Maybe I am missing the point. I dont want to get tactical, just give me a chance to fight back. Standing there and dying just doesn't make a whole lot of sense. At least if I start moving, I have a chance. :)

Personally i think the spawning is fine at the moment. Most of the time you will join midmap anyway, which obviously gives you a disadvantage from the start to "win" the map.

Like Chris said, it's deathmatch, not alot is supposed to make sense. lol.
In Unreal Tournament DM , there is a default time about 4 seconds,I think where you are immune to fire. If you shoot a weapon, you lose the immunity. In the original HL1 DM, it could be set by a variable( cant remember which). For years, it was a DM ettiquite thing not to kill the freshly spawned. I was even kicked from a few servers in the past for "Spawn Killing".

Has this "Rule" gone away? Would the staff please set me straight on this

Even then, you have players that hover around spawn points waiting for a "Free" kill. I post this as a rule on my server in the MOTD, those who "Spawn Camp" get the boot.
This is a fast paced deathmatch game. I'm surprised that people have time to camp at spawns, as i wouldn't think this would benefit much...providing there were more than a few players in the game.
it´s also a matter of intelligent placement of spawn points which is the task of a mapper. :angel:
mjrhzrd said:
In Unreal Tournament DM , there is a default time about 4 seconds,I think where you are immune to fire. If you shoot a weapon, you lose the immunity. In the original HL1 DM, it could be set by a variable( cant remember which). For years, it was a DM ettiquite thing not to kill the freshly spawned. I was even kicked from a few servers in the past for "Spawn Killing".

Has this "Rule" gone away? Would the staff please set me straight on this

Even then, you have players that hover around spawn points waiting for a "Free" kill. I post this as a rule on my server in the MOTD, those who "Spawn Camp" get the boot.
The ettiquette is still present among the HLDM community.

I'm afraid the majority of HL2DM's players are CSsers, who've never tauflew ;( :p not that there's anything wrong with that.

But tbh, these days, I'll spawnkill anyone, but they have to have shot me once first.
Ah, they're simply too tempting to ignore :p
The thing is, you cant ignore a freshly spawned/typing player becasue if you do they'l just come around and shoot you in the back after you walk by.
kill them as soon as they spawn...

since you spawn with the gravgun there's just too much potential for a spawner to kill ya..
It's kill or be killed. I too dislike getting killed when I spawn but it's part of the game and I dish it out more then I die. Getting spawn killed makes me value each life more so I don't die too often to get spawn killed.

My days of spawning almost defenceless with my grav gun out are over...thanks to cl_defaultweapon "weapon_smg1"
Chris_D said:
You seem to be missing the point of deathmatch. I hate it when people start to get tactical about it.

Deathmatch simply is that, a match of deaths. Kill everything you see, regardless whether it's just spawned, standing on one leg, having a shower, or doing cartwheels around the map - kill it! Kill it!!!!1
And that's what's so beautiful. Love Deathmatch. :cheers:
Riggz said:
My days of spawning almost defenceless with my grav gun out are over...thanks to cl_defaultweapon "weapon_smg1"

i use the grenades
Spawn kills are really just one of those irritating things that one has to get on with - not a major setback, more a minor irritation. Like a mouth ulcer.

What really pisses me off is rocket-sniping. Especially on Overwatch. Stupid pussy rocket snipers. What a great way to boost your score, whilst also proving to the world that you can't play for sh*t.
Tough, spawn kills are fair game in DM,if you dont like it dont die so much.
i know how we can solve spawn rapes... get some skills, dont die.
If someone spawns in front of me when I have a good gun, they wouldn't have much of a chance if I waited for them to get their bearings anyway. If I don't have anything but the smg, then it's pretty even. I just have a slight edge in reflexes. A better player can take me down anyway. Given the massive power of the grav gun, as bi0 pointed out, they have too much power to ignore. So spawnkilling is something I just have to do to stay in the game. I don't feel guilty about it.

What really pisses me off is rocket-sniping. Especially on Overwatch. Stupid pussy rocket snipers. What a great way to boost your score, whilst also proving to the world that you can't play for sh*t.

It doesn't bother me if someone just dashes up there, picks up the rpg, and sees a couple people on the ground below to take out. Heck, who hasn't done that once or twice? It's only a problem for me when someone digs in and sets up camp. It annoys me so much I usually start ignoring easy kills in favor of getting up there quickly to demolish those bastards.

BTW, has anyone run into a really successful camper anywhere else but that spot on dm_overwatch? By successful I mean in score near or at the first place.
rocket campers are easy to take out, you always know where they are -_-
Overwatch is a crappy map for deathmatch IMO,

Slightly better for TDM
Spawn kills are justified, since there's maybe a second, tops, before the spawn pulls out a gun.

Spawn camping, on the other hand, is lame. Such as the people who camp the bottom floor of the overwatch building with the gravgun and table anything that spawns in.

Speaking of which, I agree that Overwatch is pretty crap unless you're on TDM.
Luckily, TDM is all I ever really play. :p
Spawn campers are the worse.. I dont see them so much on hl2dm. They had an anti camp feature on some q3 servers I played on that killed you if you stayed in the same place for longer than whatever.

Would get rid of the whores on the roof with the rl.
Spawn kills are really just one of those irritating things that one has to get on with - not a major setback, more a minor irritation. Like a mouth ulcer.

What really pisses me off is rocket-sniping. Especially on Overwatch. Stupid pussy rocket snipers. What a great way to boost your score, whilst also proving to the world that you can't play for sh*t.

Nah, I don't see that there should be any rules to killing. Technique is technique - even if that means camping on the roof of overwatch with the rpg.

I like getting up there with team mates and holding fort while the rpg takes down as many people as possible...I also like the challenge of getting back up to the top to reclaim that position.

How one person chooses to play (that isn't cheating in a way that someone else can't do it) is fair game. Camp or no camp.

Ding dong?
The difference in HL2DM to other games is that you spawn with quite a lot of weapons, especially the SMG which is quite powerful. Thus I think spawn killing is permitted, as the person who just spawned has quite a good chance to kill you as well. In other games you usually just have a pistol, so it's hard to kill someone with better equipment. But here I think it's reasonable to say the person who just spawned has a chance to win as well, especially if the enemy is already damaged.
I think if you just spawned with your smg drawn itd be fine, and maybe the guns should do a tad bit more damage.
there's a simple solution to the spawn kill problem. just die less often and you won't have to worry about it :p. i barely get spawn killed except right when i join a server (it seems to happen every single time i join server though).
SMG could use a bit of a power boost, but I play HL2dm too rarely to even care.
i think it's fine. there's plenty of secondary ammo for it laying around everywhere which balances it out. + it can take someone down very fast from close range if you aim at their head
If I'm on one of the many maps that really encourages spawn kills, hell just about any map really, I switch to grenade upon spawn. If someone is right in my face spamming me with small arms fire, I just use alt mouse, drop a grenade at my feet -- you'd be surprised how many people stand right on it, and I get a kill for my death....

Either that or hold the sprint key and run like hell every time you spawn.

I love grenades anyway, even if using them all the time means my death rate tends to be higher..... it's just a frag fest.
they just need to do somethign about the spawning algorithm(sp?) if HL2DM even have one...I remember some other game where you could set a variable to "spawn farthest" which would be really nice in HL2DM so that you won't spawn right in the face of somebody else(or atleast where the concentration of players are low)

one time in TDM I spawned 3 times in a row in the super charger room on lockdown with 3 enemies....great fun :-X