spawn mod


Aug 6, 2003
Reaction score
i know i know...copyright issues written all over this idea. but hopefully nobody will have to know, but ill probally ask for permission if i even start this.

i always wanted to make a spawn mod. a army soldier, boss turns on him, turns into spawn, a hero/villian who saves crime + starts it. he has super powers like healing, cool chains that move to his command. and even uses modern guns when he can.

vehicles = cars suv's and motorcycles.

characters = kinda based off the spawn movie + with a lil bit of the hbo cartoon spawn. characters from the first person shooter spawn game for the DC.

maps = city/buildings/hell maps.

i dont know the complete limits to the source engine. but id like to have multiplayer + maybe single player. trying to go threw the story maybe like trying to find "wanda + your daughter" your kidnapped family.

id like to play as simmons in the begining (military style/missions) ..and maybe leading up to the story where your boss turns on you and you turn into spawn ...introducing your powers/ new characters.

Multiplayer = played fps + 3rd person (being the players choice to switch)..the dc fps spawn game actually wasnt all that bad for being a console fps. also, transforming models (if possible) like allen simmons transforming into spawn, the clown transforming into the violator.

anyways... if i get permission or support for a team. ill make a site, and start as soon as the sdk comes :D

hhmm..if no permisson, maybe a orginal idea that has a similar story line to spawn.

i also had a quick menu idea. (if you ever played downhill domination for the ps2) the menu is in the foreground, in the background you see a 3d city..and when you pick what you want from the menu...spawn hops down on the top of a tall building, with the huge cape flowing in the air covers the screen..then the cape comes away and the menu selection shows up.. (just an idea)
.....i guess its not all of a good idea then considering nobody wants to post on this idea :\
Considerinjg there has been past Spawn games along with upcoming ones and a cameo in SoulCalibur 2 I think they would have copyright issues.
did you actually read my post?

or just saw the thread title and decide to say something about copyright issues?