Spawned Items Go Crazy


Nov 23, 2004
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Hi I'm trying to spawn an item when I break a box, in hl2sp. Here is my problem, my item that I want to spawn "turret1" is in it's house just sitting there and I have a "point_template" with template 1 set as "turret1". After this I have a "env_entity_maker" with a "Point_template to spawn" set as "spawn", yes I do have my "point_template" named spawn. Now this makes me believe that the turret should spawn at "env_entity_maker" but instead it spawns near the original turret, it never stops, and I didn't even break the box. So I end up with about an infinite amount of turrets shooting at the floor, this doesn't help me at all. And yes I've tried the interlopers tutorial but the teleport part of it felt like it was missing details, and I couldn't get it to work. Sorry for the huge read but if anyone can help me thank you.
*Bump* Anyone know? And I meant to say the hl2 tutorial didn't make any sense, if you try it out and d/l it, it's doesn't even work.
What I would do is make a box, make it a func_physbox. Inside the box place the npc_turret_floor.

Name the turret "myturret" or whatever. Make a point_template named turretspawner and tie it to myturret.

Now with the box, give it an output of OnBreak, target turretspawner.

So... when the box breaks, the turret is spawned inside.
See attached file for how to actually do this.

But ultimatly, the easiest way to do this is just make a crate and stick the turret inside, have it start disabled. In the turret properties, just set an output to on physgun pickup enable.

All of this is if I am understanding you correctly.

EDit: heh, forgot: on the physbox, give it some health so it will break. Just see the attached file :)