Spawning hosties picture


Anarchist Weasel

So I was a bit bored this I decided to play around with spawning hosties...

...then making a tower with them...

...then setting them on fire.


(it's ~1 meg, but check it out.)
brilliant!1 now if someone can only teach us how to do that so we can add more to this fine thread besides "wow" "that was awesome" "that r0x0rz!!oneoneone"

alright, let's see. i did:

sv_cheats 1
bind "o" "npc_create_aimed hostage_entity"
bind "p" "ent_setname hostie; wait; ent_fire hostie ignite 100 0"

whereever you point (as long as crosshair is on ground) and press "o" it will create a hostage.

point to a hostage and press "p". it will rename the entity then the hostage will ignite!

it's also fun to jump on a railing, spawn a hostage on the ground, then jump on him. when on top of him, you can spawn another hostage in front of him, then walk onto him...or you can do the same thing, except spawn a hostage on the railing, then jump on him. spawn another hostage ontop of the first hostage. jump on him then spawn another hostage on top of the hostage on the railing. then just keep spawning them on top of each other and eventually you can make a stairway to heaven.

there's a way to spawn bots, as well...not sure how it's done yet.
Anarchist Weasel said:
there's a way to spawn bots, as well...not sure how it's done yet.

The EMPORiO illegal version had bots enabled, but If you could enable it in the legal version that would rock.
hilarious! they sound funny!

"ah ah ahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ahah ah ah"
if i could only replace the screams with those from the ravenholm bink video. (spelling?)

mmmm, zombie screaming...(drools)...
Is it possible to bind a key so it makes tables, chairs, etc. burn also?
how do you bring down the console? usually its the tilde key but it didnt work
you can also set other players on fire with this command but i dont think it damaged them.
in order to enable the console. do this>> go to options>keyboard>advanced>here will be 2 options( fast switching and enable developers console.
Fun with hostages. as you can see with the blood and the multiple grenade explosions.

FUN WITH HOSTAGES :sniper: :sniper:
:sniper: :eek:
:sniper: :eek:
:sniper: :eek:
:sniper: :eek:
nice one. I want my Gold edition to ship with a free hostage.
Yeh well check out my hostage experience italy style.

Now that's a barbecue:
