Speaker volume adjustment.


Sep 12, 2003
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Hi there.

I have an Audigy Gamer card and a cambridge soundworks 4.1 speaker system. I was just wondering if there was any possible way of increasing the volume output of both rear speakers without using the built-in balance/fade mixer. The reason I don't want to use the fade mixer is because it only increases the volume of the rear speakers by taking sounds from the front ones. So for example, when playing games, you may hear someone who's talking infront of you in all 4 channels instead of say, the front 2 channels only.
If I can increase the sound in the back speakers somehow, I would be able to hear the voices in the 2 front channels and still hear other stuff from the back 2 (which I currently can't unless i play with the fade mixer).

My speakers don't have individual volume adjustments on them so I'm looking for a program or any other kind of help.

Anyways, I hope my post is clear enough. I'm not the best with anything.

Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!