Speaking of poop...


Companion Cube
Feb 3, 2005
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I've been in possession of links to this story for a while, but I held onto it believing that maybe it was a bit too vulgar for the fine people of halflife2.net. Considering the popularity of gh0st's recent pooptastic thread, I now realise I was wrong.

(note extreme apologies if this was posted already)
Read all of this guy's story: http://www.wyseguys.com/shittyroomate.asp

(this link is a tidied up and condensed version of a thread originally found HERE)

ALL OF IT, please. The page I originally saw it on - now down due to exceeded bandwidth cos of the story's popularity - had it entitled "The Greatest Story Ever Told." It is certainly a contender.

Warning: extreme fecal content (textual). ENJOY :cheers:
Yeah this was posted in another thread, still, this is definatly worth reading through because of how amazing and disgustingly retarded Jed is.

His toilet breaks so he shits in the bath and covers it with newspaper.

What the ****?
Posted again and again and again.

Damn you SA! Damn you.
argh, it will have to wait till i get home....

*Rafa 5.0 makes mental note*
Shens said:
Posted again and again and again.

Damn you SA! Damn you.

I ran a few different searches to see if it had come up before but didn't find anything, sorry about that :o Still, for those who haven't yet read it this comes with my highest recommendations.

I guess this is just one of those that wont flush...
Wow, when he goes into the common area at the end, it's like Doom 3 and going to hell, except actually scary! shit and blood all over, odd writing on the wall, that is one helluva good story, a good read for anyone with time on their hands.
That shit was funny. I couldnt stop laughing at some of the stuff. But plz tell me why that guy didnt move out the 1st time his roomate took a shit somewhere besides the toilet. I would have left in a heartbeat.
Oh man, I've known about that thread for like a year. It's classic.
Man, great read, really scary at the end, din't know what to expect. to bad he got lazy writing the end.