Special Fonts



Hey guys..i see alot of ppl using like "Owned" or "Boom head shot" with very fancy fonts...does anybody know how they did that?
They are using the extended character set. To use these symbols, open the Character Map (Start>Run... "charmap"), and select Courier New as the font. Then, just double click on the symbols you would like to use and copy them from the box on the bottom and paste them in CS:S.
You also can bind these, in console, which is what they do.

However, a word of warning: everyone who does that is a huge jackass. That's right, saying "pWnD j0o n0oB" every time you kill someone, regardless of if its in special characters or not, is a great way to make everyone hate you.
Agree with Ennui. If you have a shred of dignity, you won't do it. Ever.
Names that have the special characters instantly indicate that you are a complete douchebag. Don't do it.
Names that have the special characters instantly indicate that you are a complete douchebag. Don't do it.
I was going to post this exact thing. I <3 you Qonf.

The only people this charm works on is those who are exactly like the OP; young and new to CS:S, wanting to know how to do special things so he can be like the "cool kids".
My name is Andy Pandy, with no special lettering. I chose the name and lettering with great care to convey the maximum amount of annoyance to those with special characters, who think they're leet at the game. I also play on a steam account with 7 digits, which apparently makes me a noob who is unable to own at the game as much as I do.
My name is Andy Pandy, with no special lettering. I chose the name and lettering with great care to convey the maximum amount of annoyance to those with special characters
Chosen carefully? You mean without special characters? I don't understand how this conveys maximum annoyance. How is it different from any other name that doesn't have special characters?
When people start to call me "gay" for killing them a few times, I'll change my name to Homosexual. They shut up.
Chosen carefully? You mean without special characters? I don't understand how this conveys maximum annoyance. How is it different from any other name that doesn't have special characters?

lol, what he means is that Andy Pandy is a silly name. People will think that he's not serious about playing the game. When they see how much he owns, they think he's a cheater. This is his goal, to get accused and banned if there are admins around.

I use mC|The Brick. That gives a lot more believable impression when I shoot 5 guys in the head with 5 ak shots.

My sig is related to this story.